


hey SCARS, this will be an improvement on Zoe! I’m so proud of her! She ended up being registered in rally obedience in the outdoors that are recent Kennel Club show. She worked through cold, wet, wind and then on the day that is final,” and earned her Rally Novice subject. Dealing with 2 studies per she qualified 5 out of 6 day. A couple of the judges commented on her personality, and that she was a ambassador that is good her unique type.  We are focusing on the level that is next and she does some agility for fun!

Zoe was a member of the Alberta Special litter adopted during September 2020. Her litter was saved from under a deck at about 7 weeks old, but their mom took off. She has overcome lots of tough things in her life, but I shall do just about anything I am able to to help make her life the very best !

Thank you SCARS for many you are doing.

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The post Zoe showed up very first on Second Chance Animal save Society.
