Yellow Legged Hornet | Bee Culture



The sighting of a predatory that is new, scientifically named Vespa velutina, in Georgia has raised alarm bells among bee experts. This invasive species, known to prey on honey bees and their larvae, has already caused damage that is significant bee communities in European countries. 1st usa sighting of the hornet took place week that is last Savannah, Georgia, after a backyard beekeeper spotted two of them.

To prevent the spread of this hornet that is destructive the Southern,  UF/IFAS professionals tend to be working together because of the Florida division of Agriculture and Consumer providers. They truly are determined to increase understanding among residents by what they are able to do when they encounter or catch one of these simple hornets.


Yellow Legged:(* that is hornet Various views of Vespa velutina. Credit: Georgia Department of Agriculture


Yellow legged (* that are hornet Vespa velutina feeding on nectar. Credit: Karine Monceau, from Monceau et al. 2014


Yellow legged hornet: An invasive hornet that is yellow-legged. Credit: Allan Smith-Pardo,  USDA APHIS PPQ, Bugwood* that 

Yellow legged hornet: An invasive hornet that is yellow-legged. Credit: Allan Smith-Pardo,  USDA APHIS PPQ,

Meredith Bauer

University of Florida

Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS)

