WildlifeDirect Rolls Out Team Sayari “Nature great youngsters” Outreach system






Program to encourage Behavioral Change and Meaningful Economic Development, focusing on 10,000 Children in East Africa

Nairobi, Kenya, April 20, 2023 – WildlifeDirect, a non-profit company aimed at the preservation of Africa’s wildlife, is very happy to announce the roll-out of their brand-new Nature great toddlers Outreach system which will be an expansion of this nationwide Geographic’s Team Sayari academic enjoyment system.

Team Sayari, a collaboration amongst the U.S. division of State, the U.S. department for Global developing (USAID), The Walt Disney business Africa and Wildlife Direct, saw a television that is 20-part being aired across Africa on National Geographic Wild and Disney Channel. The program aims to have a lasting impact on the conservation of species-rich landscapes and generate meaningful economic development opportunities for communities.

The with a goal to inspire meaningful, impactful behavioural change in young viewers across the continent and create the next generation of environmental conservation leaders, Team Sayari now moves from the small screen and schools and communities in East Africa with the

Nature Positive Outreach Kids Program


Targeting 10,000 children aged 7-12 years old in 200 schools in Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania Nature great children Outreach system was created to teach and engage young ones and communities in regards to the need for safeguarding and conserving the environment that is natural. The initiative aims to encourage a more sustainable and responsible approach to environmental stewardship.

“In through a series of outreach screening events, workshops, and nature based activities March this we announced the Nature Positive Kids Outreach Challenge, and we are excited to see the level of interest it has generated year. The challenge is an opportunity for young people to learn about the importance of conservation and take action in their communities that are own” said Dr. Paula Kahumbu, CEO of WildlifeDirect.

Winning schools will each obtain $500 to make usage of a conservation task of one’s own option. Each school will also receive a DVD with Team Sayari episodes.“We alongside the outreach program have designed the Outreach program to complement  the Ministry of Education in the National Tree Growing and Restoration campaign that was launched by HE President William Ruto in December year that is last” included Kahumbu. Into the year that is first of WildlifeDirect will work with the children in Kenya to plant 25,000 trees. We invite individuals, corporates and organizations that are interested in partnering with us in this initiative that is noble

“The Nature Positive Kids Outreach system is a part that is crucial of efforts to protect and conserve Africa’s wildlife,” said Trish Sewe, Chief of Party of the project. “By engaging and educating children, we can help create a more future that is sustainable both folks and wildlife.”The system will consider a variety of problems, including conservation that is sustainable renewable energy, and wildlife conservation. Activities will include tree planting initiatives, workshops on conservation education, community events that are clean-up recycling of plastics, cup as well as other waste, schools utilizing gutters to get and save liquid, etc.

The Nature Good Youngsters Outreach System is initially starting in Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania where WildlifeDirect has built preservation hubs together with 3 preservation businesses; Oceans Alive Foundation-Kenya, African Men And Women and Wildlife-Tanzania and Prime Biodiversity Conservation-Rwanda, and you will find intends to increase the reach of Team Sayari with other African nations.

“We tend to be excited to introduce the type great Outreach system in East Africa, and we also enjoy growing it with other nations across Africa,” added Trish. “Together, we are able to work towards an even more future that is sustainable Africa’s wildlife and the communities that rely on them.”

For more information about WildlifeDirect and the Nature Positive Outreach Program, please visit



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For more information, please contact:

For WildlifeDirect:

Trish Sewe(.org

For that is*)psewe@wildlifedirect The Walt Disney Business Africa:

c/o Jenny Griesel Communications

jenny@jennygriesel.co.zaFor U.S. division of State

The Bureau of academic and Cultural Affairs:




About The Walt Disney Company EMEA


The Walt Disney business, along with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a respected diversified family that is international and media enterprise that includes Disney Parks, Experiences and Products; Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution; International Content and Operations and three content groups—Studios, General Entertainment and Sports–focused on developing and producing content for direct-to-consumer, theatrical and linear platforms. Disney is a Dow 30 company and had annual revenues of $82.7 billion in its year that is fiscal 2022.

The Walt Disney business has been doing European countries, center East and Africa (EMEA) for more than 80 many years and hires thousands throughout the area. The Walt Disney Company EMEA entertains, informs and inspires millions of consumers in more than 130 countries through the power of unparalleled storytelling between Disneyland Paris and its other iconic brands, including Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic, 20th Century Studios and ESPN. Disney+, the company’s direct-to-consumer service that is streaming is available in 60 areas across EMEA.


About WildlifeDirect:

[ad_2]WildlifeDirect is globally seen as a top influence Kenyan based company that seeks to alter minds, thoughts and laws and regulations so Africa’s wildlife endures permanently. The goal of WildlifeDirect would be to link visitors to their particular nature and wildlife and inspire them to treasure it and act to conserve it. The organization produces Wildlife Warriors, a wildlife that is popular show about our wildlife heroes and heroines, additionally the pets they are preserving. We seek to change and catalyse the wildlife movie industry that is making Africa. The series is screened on national TV as well as in classrooms through the Wildlife Warriors Kids conservation education program.(*)About USAID:(*)The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is the world’s premier development that is international and a catalytic star operating development outcomes. Through our cross-sectoral development, USAID actively works to deal with the world’s many immediate requirements, including biodiversity preservation, training, and development that is economic. USAID works to help lift lives, build communities, and advance democracy. USAID’s work advances U.S. national security and prosperity that is economic shows American generosity; and encourages a path to recipient self-reliance and strength. President John. F. Kennedy produced USAID by executive purchase in 1961 to guide the U.S. government’s development that is international humanitarian efforts.(*)About The U.S. Department of State(*)The U.S. Department of State leads America’s foreign policy through diplomacy, advocacy, and assistance by advancing the interests of the American people, their safety and prosperity that is economic.  Through its 270 diplomatic missions world-wide, the division of State is dedicated to supporting outreach that is public around key foreign policy matters that help build peaceful relations between the people of the United States and people of other countries, as well as advance U.S. foreign policy and national security goals.(*)The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ (ECA) mission is to increase understanding that is mutual individuals of this united states of america and also the individuals of various other nations by way of academic and social change that help in the introduction of calm relations.(*)