
Swarm are made to travel. Whenever a lands that are swarm a beekeeper never knows how long they will stay put. I have often rushed out of the homely household to get a swarm simply to have them keep into the time it took us to drive with their area. In the event that you aspire to catch a swarm this period, understand that right time is of the essence! That’s why I like to keep everything I need in my car. Afterall, you never know when you’re going to get the call to rescue some bees. Read on to find out how to make your own kit that is swarm-catching

The 5 Must-Haves for a Swarm Catching Kit
1. A Nuc package

I typically make use of a nuc package to get swarms. I love this program because nuc bins tend to be easy and lightweight to carry. Especially if you screw the bottom board to the body that is nuc. Plus, they use less area in my own automobile. We additionally love that the swarm can stay static in the box that is nuc awhile. This means I do not have to distrub them right until they are established before I transfer the to full-size equipment.Large after I catch them, I can wait Swarms Tip: the time that is only don’t like to use nuc boxes is for large swarms

. In these cases, I will use a Langstroth that is full-size box two method cardboard boxes. Supplying a suitable box that is sized the swarm increases the chances that they will stay in your apiary.

Note for Top Bar BeekeepersThere are a lot of Nuc Box designs for top bar bekeepers, from DIY plans to boxes that are custom-made Etsy. To get a-swarm I would like to devote a bar that is top, I create a top bar nuc with a deep Langtroth Box and 9-10 top bars or place my top bars in a Nuc Box. I can do this because all of my bars are 19 7/8 inches long, which is the length of a Langstroth box. You can glimpse this method in this reel I made for Instagram about my first catch that is swarm of*). When utilizing a TBH nuc field, ensure that the measurements of this nuc suit your full size hive.

MacGyvering a family group Item for a-swarm Catch

If you are thinking about making use of items for your home like buckets and cardboard bins to get swarms, the swarm will have to be used in a hive asap that is proper. The stress of transferring may result in the bees to go out of. Because of this good reason, I  only use household items to catch a swarm in a pinch.

Catching a Swarm for Top Bar

2. Protective Gear

My kit includes my ventilated bee suit and nitrile gloves. Swarms are usually docile by nature, but you never know. My suit is like my seat belt. It is worn by me in the event of worst-case situation. Swarm grabs may also draw a crowd that is curious so I also like to have it on to set an example for non-beekeepers in attendance.

3. Swarm Lure & Bee Repellent

It’s handy to have a lure , but here’s the trick, I never spray it in my nuc box. Lures smell like lemongrass and immitate the Nasonov pheremone, a bee signal that is homing however they are extremely effective. Juts putting the bottle that is uncapped the entrance is enough. It, the smell might initially attract the swarm, but if the smell is overwhelming it could also cause them to leave it.Bee if you spray repellents like Fischer’s Bee Quick

A swarm of honey bees hangs from a pepper tree in San Diego, CA.
 assistance whenever an element of the swarm tries to come back towards the location that is original. Returning foragers, for example, often get confused about where to go. Spraying a bit of repellant on the spot that is original motivate foragers maintain trying to find the hive elsewhere.

 4. Ratcheting Straps & Duct TapeYou needs a way to secure your box that is nuc when take the bees home. I use duct tape to secure the lid and to hold my entrance blocker in place. You can see how I use duct tape and an entrance blocker in this swarm catch video

I made for Instagram.If I’m catching a large using and swarm a Langstroth package, i take advantage of ratcheting straps. Have a look at my post on going bees

if you want details about this technique.

5. Fundamental Tools: Pruners & a Sharp KnifeDuring a catch that is swarm you might find yourself reaching for pruners

 to remove branches and vegetation blocking a swarm. A knife also comes in handy for lots of things, from cutting strips of duct tape to removing bits of comb the swarm might have started building.Check out my first swarm catch of 2019 or this eggplant swarm catch

Swarm Catch from a Mallow Bush
as one example of exactly how useful pruners is.

Optional Products for your kit( that is swarm*)These are not necessary, but you might find them useful! You can read more details I wrote for Keeping Backyard Bees.

  • Ladder or sturdy step stool to reach a high swarm.Entrance about them in an
  • article blockerto secure the hive package for transportation.
  • Frame of comb


    in your nuc package to motivate bees to remain.White sheet spread below the swarm to help make bees that fall through the group very easy to spot.

    [ad_2]Want to see even more swarm grabs in addition to types of kits we bring from me? Check out my new on-demand streaming class (*)Swarms & Splits(*).(* with me?(*)Check out some of these videos.(*)Want to learn more swarm tips)