What Makes My Guinea Pigs Battling? Potential Reasons & Options



guinea pigs inside outdoor cage

Guinea pigs tend to be normally animals that are social. In the wild, they live in herds of between 5 and 10, with multiple herds living in close proximity, resulting in several dozen cavies sharing a space that is single. Which means they may be held in groups as animals. But, whenever in captivity, piggies are now living in really conditions that are different when they live in the wild. And, even in the wild, guinea pigs do have a hierarchy that is social which could cause some territorial battling.

If Your guinea pigs are fighting, one is likely trying to establish dominance over the others, but it might be that a male and female are fighting as part of the pairing ritual. Other possible causes of fighting include being kept in too small an enclosure, one of the cavies pain that is suffering disease, or your animals being annoyed.

Below we check each one of the causes that are possible more detail and include solutions to help you pacify warring piggies.

Divider Guinea Pig

Reasons Why Are Guinea Pigs Fight

1. Dominance

Guinea pigs have a hierarchy that is social which means some cavies hold a socially greater place than the others. Various other guinea pigs may challenge the cavie that is top its position, and the most dominant one will hold its nerve and its aggressive posture longer than the other. In some cases, though, if the lower guinea pig does down n’t back, it may end in battling.

If the thing is that one guinea pig showing behavior that is dominant another and one of them backs down, it shouldn’t be too concerning: a pack hierarchy has emerged. However, if neither relative backs down, and it also leads to a fight, you are going to need to intervene and split all of them before one gets injured.

cute red guinea pig looking upwards
Image Credit: Dev_Maryna, Shutterstock

2. Infection

Like people, puppies, kitties, & most various other pets, disease or damage can foster a mood that is bad and a bad mood can lead to aggression. If your cavies normally live peacefully side by side but are suddenly warring, it may be a sign that one has suffered an illness or injury.

Check the guinea pigs over for almost any accidents to see signs and symptoms of disease. The guinea-pig this is certainly acting aggressively is probably the one which is experiencing underneath the weather condition, but this isn’t always the outcome. If in question, bring your guinea-pig into the veterinarian while having them checked over.

3. Pairing

Guinea pigs can combat whenever two genders that are opposite introduced. This pairing fight can occur when introducing also two guinea pigs of opposing genders. Essentially, once you do present two guinea pigs, you should be much more prominent plus the various other more submissive. The guinea that is dominant is unlikely to bully the other, but because there is a clearly dominant member of the pairing, it will be unlikely to cause aggression.

Two lovely guinea pig babies together in summer
Image Credit: Rita_Kochmarjova, Shutterstock

4. Boredom

Guinea pigs need stimulation, just like dogs and cats. They will look for their own ways to entertain themselves if they aren’t getting this. Monotony can result in difficult and unwelcome behavior, including battling. Ensure your cavies have actually tasks to help keep all of them hectic. This does consist of ensuring they will have sufficient hay to chew on, however it also can through the inclusion of toys for their enclosure and ensuring they have been getting time that is enough of the enclosure.

Letting your guinea pig exercise out of the enclosure, and even interacting with you and other humans, will provide stimulation that is mental can help stay away from battling.

5. Not enough Space

A absence of room is notably linked to various other dilemmas, however it is a issue that is common guinea pigs. Ideally, two guinea pigs need around 10 feet that are square the very least. This gives these with unique room to allow them to get free from the way in which of 1 another and revel in some time that is alone

If Your cavies are kept in a smaller enclosure than this, they shall enter one another’s method. That you can reduce the amount of space you need.

Divider Guinea Pig

Image if you don’t have enough room to keep an enclosure of this size, consider getting a different pet, but guinea pigs shouldn’t be kept as solitary animals so don’t be tempted to keep just one guinea pig so Credit: Dev_Maryna, Shutterstock

Can Guinea Pigs Live Together After a Fight?

If aggression becomes a fight that is full the very first thing to accomplish is split the warring guinea pigs. Keep them apart for every night. You may well be in a position to effectively and peacefully reintroduce all of them the day that is next but this isn’t always possible. Sometimes, if guinea pigs have fought, they might never be in a position to stay collectively once more.However, it really is well worth using the aggressor to see a professional veterinarian. This may be the cause of the fighting if they are ill or have some sort of injury. Similarly, ensure they have enough space and that there is plenty to do in the enclosure

because boredom and a lack of space are common causes of in-fighting.

Is It Okay to Let Guinea Pigs Fight?

If one piggie is dominance that is showing one other submits, this translates to a finish into the battle, and also this form of hostility is normally good. This means that certain of the guinea pigs is prominent while the various other submissive, and also this will really have a tendency to imply a coexistence that is peaceful the two of them. However, because they can be painful if it does progress to a full fight, you need to intervene.

It is a good idea to wear thick gloves or use a towel or some other form of shield to protect yourself

against guinea pig bites and scratches. Then attempt to determine the explanation for the battling to see how to remedy the situation so your two of these can ideally return to residing peacefully into the enclosure that is sameConclusion

Guinea Pigs are sociable animals that not only tend to do well together but need the companionship of another cavie living with them. There will be a hierarchy between two or more guinea pigs that share an enclosure, with one being the more dominant, and this can mean seeing signs of submission and dominance.

[ad_2]If this advances to fighting that is full however, it is time to take action. Protect your fingers and separate the two of them. Let them spend some right time aside, and look the enclosure is large enough and provides sufficient stimulation, (*)before reintroducing all of them(*). You may even like to just take all of them into the veterinarian becoming inspected for accidents or disease since these also can trigger guinea pigs in order to become that is aggressive(*)Featured Image Credit: JohnatAPW, Shutterstock(*)