Webinars – K-12 knowledge



K-12 knowledge provides many different no-cost webinars each open to all educators month. All our fun and webinars that are interactive back ground content, highlight new and appropriate academic sources, and permit conversation for effective utilization of such information and tasks. Each webinar is approximately 50 moments with ten full minutes allocated for concerns. You have access to all archived webinars through our YouTube station. You’ll be able to get letters of conclusion or Continuing Education devices.

To sign-up, go through the you would like to attend.

Upcoming month WebinarsSee below for our 2023-2024 series that is webinar. Join our eNews

Archived Webinars

 As our 2023-2024 series that is webinar, we shall upload the archived webinars below. You have access to our best hits and a lot of recent archived webinars through our YouTube station.

  • Olympus digital camera
    June – Apps for Outdoor Exploration

    Bring technology when you look at the class while engaging pupils in outside observance with Cornell Lab’s no-cost applications! Plus, learn how you can easily help kids become resident experts.

  • girls with hands-on activities
    May – Creatively Build Observation techniques

    What do art and research have commonly? Observation! Find enjoyable, hands-on tasks that develop observance abilities through art.

  • Bird Cam life cycles
    April 18 – Inspiring Curiosity with Wildlife Webcams

    From cameras hosted in public areas areas like aquariums and zoos, to crazy locations for instance the Serengeti and circle that is arctic this interactive webinar will explore how K-12 teachers can use live-streaming wildlife cams to effectively develop student science practices.

  • A girl sits outside on a sunny lawn drawing a sound map.
    March 21 – Growing a Culturally Responsive Classroom

    We all know that diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice are important in every classroom. But how do we bring that into our classrooms and programs? Join us in an interactive webinar to learn practical ways to build a more inclusive…

  • Kids in the garden holding up their hands.
    February 21 – Enhancing Your Schoolyard for Year-Round Nature Observations

    School gardens and habitat improvement projects can provide the context for lessons across subjects and offer a wonderful opportunity to engage students in hands-on, project-based learning. Students who engage in school learning that is outdoor college home gardens are going to experience…

  • teachers on computers
    January 31 – Guest Webinar: Helping People “Muck About” inside their Data

    Join us for a particular webinar with visitor presenter Kristin Hunter-Thomson from Dataspire! We shall explore ways that are different can help our students “muck about” in their data to get comfortable with and better understand it.

  • January 17 – Great Backyard Bird Count

    Discover the excitement of participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC). The GBBC is a great place to start.

  • December 13 – Students as Scientists: Spark Student Curiosity

    Get a pre-release sneak peek at resources from our upcoming curriculum, Students as Scientists: Nature-based Inquiry if you’re interested in getting your kids participating in bird watching and citizen science. We’ve heard of learning that is amazing can happen outdoors and with natural phenomena and the curious questions that can arise. In this interactive webinar,…

  • November 15 – “eBird Explorers” Choose Your Own Adventure: K-5 & 6-12

    Discover our curricula suite that is latest, eBird Explorers. These four, grade-banded curricula provide educators with enjoyable, hands-on classes that connect young ones to nature through the field of wild birds.

  • Feeding Birds -school
    October – Nurtured by Nature: Social psychological Learning in Science

    Discover how science that is citizen inquiry can shape the STEM leaders of our future! By engaging in citizen science and investigations, students become scientists while exercising social and learning that is emotionalSEL) abilities. They generate findings, produce their particular questions that are own collect…

[ad_2]September – Feeding Our Feathered Friends(*)Discover teacher-tested, on the job products that may inspire your K-5 students to get in touch to nature and find out research content through feeder wild birds.(*)