Thousands Move To Africa | Outdoors My Home Window



White stork in trip (image from Wikimedia Commons)

6 September 2023

The movement phenomenon at the Strait of Gibraltar is still in progress as hundreds of birds extend their wings and also fly to Africa. They can see their objective from the European side yet in some cases the wind is a harsh wall surface that stops their going across. On 4 September the wind was best and also they didn’t need to flap. Thousands slid southern to Morocco.

Amongst the groups were numerous white storks (Ciconia ciconia), seen in this tweet from Inglorious Bustards.

The storks making the going across had embedded in Western Europe and also are going to Sub-Saharan Africa for the winter months.

Array map and also flyways of the white stork (map from Wikimedia Commons)

Fifty years ago white storks were vanished in the majority of Western Europe and also this phenomenon at the Straits passed away with the missing birds. Reintroduction programs in the late 20th century brought them back to an expanding populace of currently 224,000 to 247,000 European white storks.

For those that endured the lean years, their splits at the Straits are splits of happiness.

(credit scores remain in the inscriptions consisting of web links to the resources)
