The remarkable characteristics of worldwide chicken business: 50 many years in retrospective. Component 1 – worldwide egg manufacturing and trade



In two reports the writer will analyse the introduction of chicken within the last fifty many years and document the remarkable development of worldwide egg and chicken animal meat manufacturing plus the trade by using these products.

Hans-Wilhelm Windhorst – the writer is Prof. emeritus of University of Vechta and Visiting Professor on University of Veterinary drug Hannover, Germany

A private note
In 1970, we began my scholastic profession on University of Vechta and straight away started to learn the characteristics in intensive pet manufacturing at various spatial amounts. While my empirical scientific studies at first handled Lower Saxony, particularly the counties of Cloppenburg and Vechta, the main focus quickly widened to EU user says plus the American. The close associates with leading organizations, which produced and advertised gear for intense pet manufacturing, particularly for pig and chicken husbandry, in accordance with globally energetic breeder organizations provided me with the chance to learn worldwide habits and characteristics.”
Hans-Wilhelm Windhorst

A remarkable temporal and spatial characteristics
Between 1970 and 2020, worldwide egg manufacturing increased from 19.5 mill. t to 87.1 mill. t or by 347percent. Table 1 demonstrates that from 1990 regarding manufacturing amounts expanded considerably quicker compared to the last 2 decades. Between 2010 and 2020 alone, it expanded by practically 23 mill. t. A closer consider the development at continent degree shows the extraordinary part, which Asia played inside booming development (Table 1, Figure 1). To absolutely the development of 67.6 mill. t inside years under analysis, Asia added 73.3percent, followed closely by Central and south usa with 13.0percent. All the other continents dropped far at the rear of. The general development in Africa with 4.5percent ended up being also greater than in European countries and united states. Until 1988, the egg manufacturing amount in European countries ended up being greater than in Asia, there after the extraordinary development in a few parts of asia started, because may be recorded in a later an element of the article.
Figure 2 reflects the radical improvement in the spatial design of worldwide egg manufacturing. In 1970, European and united states nations added 65.1percent towards the worldwide manufacturing amount, until 2020, their particular share dropped to 21.8percent. On the other hand, Asia and Central and south usa added just 30.7percent in 1970, but achieved 74.1percent in 2020. The far greater general development price in Central and south usa when compared with European countries helps it be most likely that European countries may drop its 2nd position throughout the existing ten years.

Considerable modifications at nation degree
Over days gone by fifty many years, the structure and position of leading egg creating nations changed quite a bit (Figure 3). Until 1985, the united states rated in beginning before it had been changed by Asia, that listed here many years stayed the unchallenged no. 1. A closer consider the characteristics shows some remarkable modifications. Between 1990 and 2020, Asia climbed from 6th to 2nd destination and exceeded the united states. Indonesia, which couldn’t are part of the ten leading nations until 2000 climbed to 4th destination and enhanced its egg manufacturing by 4.5 mill. t since 2000. While in1970 six europe (Germany, France, Un. Kingdom, Italy, Spain and Poland) belonged towards the top team, in 2020, just France ended up being remaining, ranking in tenth destination. An extraordinary dynamical development revealed in addition Brazil, Mexico and because 2010, chicken. On the other hand, Japan dropped from 3rd to 7th position plus the previous USSR, number 2 until 1990, revealed a-deep autumn following the governmental and financial failure. In 2020, the Russian Federation just rated as quantity eight.
A detailed examination of the characteristics at nation degree will show the large local focus in egg manufacturing plus the increase or autumn of certain nations.
Figure 4 papers the altering stocks of ten leading nations in worldwide egg manufacturing between 1970 and 2020. The most affordable price ended up being achieved in 1980 with 65.2percent, the best in 2020 with 71.2percent. But the numbers never color an obvious image of the very high local focus. In 1970, the four leading nations added 49.1percent towards the worldwide manufacturing amount. In 2000, following the remarkable development of Asia’s manufacturing amount, they shared 55.1percent. In 2020, they added also 55.5percent, a direct result the fast development of Indonesia’s egg manufacturing.
A very first interim stability could be summarised below. Worldwide egg manufacturing significantly more than quadrupled between 1970 and 2020, achieving a volume of 87.1 mill. t. Parallel to the remarkable enhance, a serious improvement in manufacturing centers happened. European countries and united states destroyed their particular leading opportunities to Asia and Central and south usa, that 2020 added practically three-quarters towards the worldwide manufacturing amount. Through the dynamical development, the structure and position of leading nations changed quite a bit. During 1970, the united states plus the USSR had been the key egg creating nations, Asia and Asia occupied 1st two ranks in 2020. In 1970, six europe belonged towards the top team, maybe not counting the USSR. In 2020, one European nation stayed with France in tenth destination. This contrast graphically defines the radical alterations in the spatial design of worldwide egg manufacturing.

Egg trade amount relatively little
In comparison to chicken animal meat, the amount of exchanged layer eggs is relatively little. Within the years under analysis, just between 1.8percent (2000) and 2.8percent (1980 and 2010) of manufacturing ended up being shipped. The reason why for reduced trade amount would be the proven fact that layer eggs can’t be frozen und have actually a somewhat quick rack life. Almost all of the eggs are manufactured for domestic usage. However, exports correspondingly imports tend to be of a large financial value for a couple of nations. These evaluation will report the trade habits at continent and nation degree.
Table 2 provides a synopsis of growth of egg exports and imports plus the trade stability at continent degree.
It goes without saying that European countries dominated egg trade within the last fifty many years. It had been maybe not before 2000 that Asia achieved greater amounts in egg exports. Throughout various other continents, egg trade was just of small value. European countries revealed a trade excess within the entire time-period under analysis, united states since 1980. Africa and Central and south usa had a bad trade stability in every years, Asia apart from 2010.

Considerable variations in egg exports at nation degree
Figure 5 reveals the substantial variations inside structure and position of top exporting nations. Holland have actually after many years of competitors with Belgium the key egg exporting nation since 1975.
Belgium, no. 1 until 1974 dropped to position nine in 2020, Asia from position three to position ten. A few nations just belonged towards the top teams for a short while duration, including Denmark, Romania, Hungary, the uk, France, the USSR, Iran, Belarus or Syria. Various other nations could achieve a reliable place on the list of leading exporting nations, including the American, Germany, Spain and Malaysia. In 1970, Poland played a crucial role as an egg exporting nation as an associate of COMECON (Council for Mutual financial help), but couldn’t manage its place following the failure of system. It had been maybe not before 2010 that following the remarkable growth of the chicken business as an EU user condition, Poland became among the leading egg exporters once again. An identical development took place chicken, which became the 2nd most critical egg exporting nation last year after many years of an exceptional characteristics with its chicken business.
The local focus in egg exports ended up being also greater than in manufacturing. Figure 6 papers that focus increased between 1970 and 1990 then reduced inside after years. In 1990, the ten top placed nations added 89.2percent towards the worldwide export amount. This season, the best price ended up being achieved with 74.5percent before it climbed to 78.5percent once again in 2020. In 1990, holland added 50.9percent towards the worldwide egg exports. Until 2020, the nation’s share declined to simply 19.9percent despite a rise in the export amount. The developing manufacturing in chicken, Poland, the united states, Uzbekistan and Malaysia challenges the dominating part of Netherlands. 

Considerable variations in addition in egg imports at nation degree
The structure and position of ten leading nations in egg imports fluctuated in addition quite a bit (Figure 7) apart from Germany.
Worth noting would be the alterations in the position of a few EU user says inside years under analysis, including France, the uk, holland and Italy. In 1970, France rated in third destination after that dropped to position ten in 1980, climbed to position five correspondingly four in 1990 and 2000 before it once again dropped to position nine in 2020. An identical characteristics revealed the uk. Belgium and Singapore started to transfer eggs in 1990, in 2020 they rated as number 4 correspondingly five. Of certain interest could be the Netherlands. As they lived as quantity eight in 1970, they truly became the 2nd biggest egg importing nation in 2020. This can be because of the fact, that Dutch people purchased correspondingly built huge egg facilities in east Germany following the reunification of nation. They transferred the eggs, of manufactured in these facilities, towards the Netherlands either to export or even to additional procedure all of them. This transfer seems as imports for Netherlands correspondingly exports for Germany inside FAO database. Until 1980, the USSR imported eggs off their COMECON nations, but ended imports following the failure of governmental and economic climate. In 2020, the Russian Federation started to transfer eggs once again to provide the populace with animal proteins because of the remarkable loss of pig animal meat manufacturing, which lead from outbreaks of African Swine Fever. Due to the war, Iraq’s egg business ended up being seriously struck making sure that imports became essential to meet with the domestic need. From 2010 on, the nation rated in second destination on the list of top importing nations. Whenever egg manufacturing started to recuperate, imports reduced from 2020 on. In 2020, the United Arab Emirates and S. Arabia imported huge amounts of eggs for domestic usage and additional exports abroad regarding Arabian Peninsula.
The local focus in egg imports achieved comparable values as with exports, it reduced, but between 2010 and 2020, a direct result the quick development of imports by Russia and western parts of asia. Between 1970 and 1990, 1st three leading nations shared over 50percent inside worldwide imports with a peak of 55.1percent in 1980. Within the after years, the local focus ended up being reduced as well as in 2020, the 3 top nations just imported 38.3percent of eggs, of exchanged globally (Figure 8).  Worth noting could be the altering share of Germany in worldwide egg imports. Between 1970 and 1990, the nation brought in between 32.0percent and 39.5percent of eggs, which achieved the worldwide marketplace. After that, the share fluctuated between 28.7percent this year and just 17.7percent in 2020. From 2010 to 2020, the import amount dropped by 100,000 t despite a rise of every capita usage. It was feasible due to the substantial development of the stock by even more than10 mill. hens for the reason that ten years. 

Summary and views
The preceding evaluation revealed the remarkable boost in worldwide egg manufacturing plus the radical spatial changes. Of the definitive innovations correspondingly steering causes of the success tale?
A very first development ended up being the usage the hybridisation technology inside reproduction of laying hens. It were only available in 1950 in america and was at the belated 1950s utilized in European countries. Specialised breeder organizations started to promote hatching eggs and girls around the globe. Another development ended up being the building of cages with automated eating, water-supply, egg collection and manure management. It paid down the mandatory labour feedback significantly and permitted much bigger flocks. The efficient housing system distribute parallel aided by the crossbreed hen. A 3rd development ended up being the introduction of vaccines from the Newcastle infection (1954) and Marek’s infection (1972). They enhanced the condition of laying hens and paid down the death prices to under 5percent. A beneficial steering element ended up being the introduction of a compound feed with unique ingredients, which enhanced the diet of hens. And also this added towards the wellness of hens and enhanced the laying price quite a bit. The blend of those elements caused it to be feasible to create huge amounts of eggs with a top vitamins and minerals to an acceptable cost for continuously developing worldwide populace. Really worth noting is, that comparable kinds of the corporation of egg manufacturing created globally: vertically incorporated organizations. As no spiritual obstacles prohibited the intake of eggs, manufacturing and usage expanded globally and led to a spatial move of manufacturing facilities.
whilst in 1970 European and united states nations added practically two-thirds towards the worldwide manufacturing amount, their particular share dropped to 21.8percent in 2020. On the other hand, Asia and Central and south usa added just 30.7percent in 1970, but achieved 74.1percent in 2020, Asia and Asia collectively shared 42.0percent. Regarding the six europe, which belonged towards the top team in 1970, one stayed in 2020. This graphically defines the radical improvement in the worldwide design of egg manufacturing.
Although the amount of egg trade just taken into account a share of under three % in worldwide egg manufacturing, it achieved a large financial value for leading exporting and importing nations. European countries ended up being the dominating continent in egg trade within the time-period that is analysed inside report therefore wasn’t before 1990 correspondingly 2020 that Asia achieved a greater share in exports and imports. European countries has also been the only real continent with an optimistic trade stability within the last fifty many years. The united states revealed a trade excess from 1980 on and Asia just recently.
At the change of century, brand new difficulties started to face the egg business. A person is the pet benefit conversation, that the EU currently generated a prohibition of main-stream cages from 2012 on plus the introduction of brand new housing methods, including enriched cages, flooring and free-range methods. It’ll inside coming 2 decades in addition reduce steadily the quantity of hens held in main-stream cages significantly due to the fact development in america, Canada and brand new Zealand program. Another could be the danger of the Avian Influenza virus, that has triggered devastating epidemics since 2015 and clearly become endemic in several nations. The prosperity of the vaccines from the Newcastle and Marek’s conditions could show a means using this existential menace.
Despite these difficulties, egg manufacturing plus the number of egg trade will more boost considering an increasing need in a number of limit and building nations. The spatial design will continue to be steady. European and united states nations will eventually lose stocks in manufacturing but European countries should be able to manage its leading place in egg trade. Although a few organizations and start-ups have already been effective inside manufacturing and purchase of plant-based egg substitutes, they’ll not manage to achieve stocks inside two-digit portion before 2030.

Data resources and ideas for additional reading
FAO database:

Windhorst, H.-W.: Die Industrialisierung der Agrarwirtschaft (The industrialization of farming). Ein Vergleich ablaufender Prozesse in den American und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Frankfurt a. M. 1989.

Windhorst, H.-W.: altering habits of worldwide egg trade: Dynamics at continent and nation degree in more detail. In: Zootecnica intercontinental 41 (2019), no. 11, p. 24-29.

Windhorst, H.-W.: The forgotten continent: habits and characteristics of African egg business: Laying hen stock and egg manufacturing. In: Zootecnica intercontinental 42 (2020), number 9, p. 24-27.

Windhorst, H.-W.: The Champions League of egg creating nations. In: Zootecnica intercontinental 43 (2021), #1, p. 26-29.

Windhorst, H.-W.: The forgotten globe: the egg business whatsoever evolved nations. In: Zootecnica intercontinental 43 (2021), number 2, p. 22-25.

Windhorst, H.-W.: The characteristics of U. S. egg business between 2010 and 2020. In: Zootecnica intercontinental 43 (2021), no. 7/8, p. 22-25.

Windhorst, H.-W.: Patterns and characteristics of EU chicken business: a status report. Component 1: Laying hen husbandry, egg manufacturing and egg trade. In: Zootecnica intercontinental 43 (2021), no. 12, p. 22-26.

Windhorst, H.-W.: Patterns and characteristics of worldwide egg and chicken animal meat trade. Component 1: Egg trade. In: Zootecnica intercontinental 44 (2022), number 2, p. 22-28.

Windhorst, H.-W.: A documentation and evaluation of AI epidemic in america in 2022. In: Zootecnica Global 45 (2023), # 3, p. 8-17.
