Teddies into the relief – A Kenyon Bear Book – The Clicker Center weblog



“Teddies towards the relief” can be acquired today through my website: theclickercenter.com and through Amazon along with other booksellers. For more information on the story that is real “Teddies to the Rescue” read on:

Teddies to the Rescue” is the first book in the Kenyon Bear series. It was originally a Christmas present for my mother.

I listen to so many interviews in which people talk about their terrible childhoods and their alcoholic, abusive parents. I’m almost embarrassed to say that I had parents that are lovely. We “chose” them well.

One for the lessons that are great learned from both of my parents was you create your own reality. It was time to stop being a stay-at-home mom when I was twelve, my mother decided. University tuitions had been looming in the foreseeable future, plus it had been time and energy to enhance the grouped family budget. Instead of looking around for a job that is“normal” my mom developed her very own work. She made a decision to use her passion that is lifelong for.

Collectors collect. If my mother were stranded on a desert island, she would have collected shells and pebbles that are interesting. Since she had even more range than a desert area provides, her selections were a great deal more wide-ranging. There have been occasions when the homely house resembled a museum more than a place people actually lived.

My mother liked to collect. It was the hunt that appealed to her. She wasn’t a hoarder. She didn’t need to keep everything she found. She was perfectly happy creating a collection, enjoying it for a right time, then offering it on. And so the “job” she selected ended up being starting a herb store. The store provided her the excuse that is perfect go hunting and the herb shop gave her the perfect setting.

A herb shop is its own self. It is it to be whatever you want. My mom introduced most of her passions collectively to generate a shop that has been a distinctive and experience that is enchanting. It was part shop that is antique part skilled nursery, component memorial, component meals boutique, component guide shop, & most significantly component toy-shop. You weren’t going to find in other stores or gift catalogs, you went to The Shuttle Hill Herb Shop.
One if you wanted something special, something When I was in the shop, an older lady came in and asked us if we would be interested in carrying pears saturday. Pears? That felt extremely strange. We weren’t yes exactly what she implied. It absolutely was a morning that is busy. We didn’t really have time to talk to her. My mother excused herself to go help another customer and the shop was left by this lady. She came back a time that is short with a box filled with handmade teddy bears.

Not pears. Bears.

They were enchanting. They were beautifully made. Yes. We would be delighted to sell her bears in the shop.

That was the beginning of a relationship that is wonderful Jane Kenyon, the manufacturer for the shop’s holds. We place them up within the window that is front everyone going past could see them. It wasn’t long before the bears started to have adventures.

Mrs Kenyon made an extra bear that is large the store. Needless to say, he had been known as Kenyon inside her honor. In “Teddies towards the relief” I write:
“Kenyon may be the shop’s bear.  He life within the screen all round year. 

At Christmas he dresses up as Santa Bear and hands out gifts to all the other {bears.”

|bears* that is.”(}  “At Easter he puts in rabbit that is long and pretends he’s the Easter Bunny.”

“In between times he dresses to suit the season, and the other bears join him.  They’re so funny.  In the summer they go swimming with inner tubes and flippers. 

At Halloween they dress up in scary ghost costumes and go Trick or Treating.”

All of that was true.

The bears had adventures that are many the screen. Our consumers lent us several of their toys that are antique the bears. He brought us a metal horse and a big car that is green. Into the cold weather We let Kenyon have my snowfall footwear plus the bears went camping. In the summertime they relaxed in hammocks and coastline seats.

From Left to right: The characters in “Teddies to the Rescue”: Pippin and Christopher in the motor car, Amber in his sailor’s suit, Kenyon the shop’s bear, Bertram with his aeroplane, Chester and Hector the horse.

People stopped in just to see the bears. Every Saturday Mrs Kenyon would bring us another box filled with the most beautiful, enchanting, and bears that are magical. The bears discovered loving houses, all with the exception of one emerald bear that is colored was returned to us in the most horrible condition.

He was missing an ear and his stuffing was falling out of large holes in what had once been his mohair that is beautiful fur

We sent him back into Mrs Kenyon for repair works. She patched him up as most useful she could. He was made by her a sailor suit to cover up the worst of the repairs.That bear’s name is Amber and he still lives in my house. It is his story that I share in “

Teddies to the Rescue”.

Jane Kenyon’s son was a artist that is talented. Into the autumn of 1985 We recommended to him that a children’s is created by us book together to give as a Christmas present to our mothers. I would write the whole tale, and then he could show it.

Mark and I also pulled on our children’s that are favorite to compare what we liked for illustrations. We went against the trend of the which was strongly influenced by Disney movies day. We opted alternatively black-and-white, ink and pen illustrations.The result was “Teddies to the Rescue

” which we gave to both our mothers that Christmas.

Of Course, the book was loved by them. That goes without saying. Moms tend to be biased. It would has been loved by them no matter what it was like. You can’t go by their opinion. I was biased as well, but that’s okay. I loved what we had created. Mark’s illustrations captured the magic of all my favorite children’s books.

We decided to take the step that is next publish the guide. I’d heard of the problems of having publications posted, specifically publications that performedn’t fit the acknowledged norms. A chapter had been created by us book for young readers. (This was long before the Harry Potter books made it okay again for children’s books to have chapters.) And we had pen and ink drawings instead of the Disney-influenced illustrations that were the that is norm

We Made the decision to publish the written book ourselves. Now remember this was 1986. We are essentially talking the age that is pre-digital. We had been able to utilize the typesetting gear in the continuing state University, but the typesetting was done blind. On my very version that is primitive of home computer system, i’d imagine in the formatting we desired, deliver it the pc in the State University and lots of times later on, i’d return a scroll of typesetting paper.

As We unrolled it, We constantly thought as if I happened to be back the times for the romans that are ancient

The Text on the scroll had to be pasted and cut onto tale panels. An account board is strictly just what it appears like, a piece that is stiff of on which a pair of facing pages are laid out.

The scroll of paper was cut up and the text that is appropriate with any pictures had been glued towards the tale board. On a number of for the pages the text was wanted by us to wrap around the illustrations. If the indents weren’t quite right, I would guess at the corrections. I could see the coding on the computer screen, but not how the page would look.

I actually would submit the modifications, and a days that are few I would get another scroll of typesetting. It was a process that is laborious practically appropriate ended up beingn’t sufficient. We had approximation after approximation until both Mark and I also had been pleased with the total result.

The stack of story boards for “Teddies to the Rescue” plus the blues, scrolls of the typesetting, and an copy that is original of guide.

A bunch of tale panels had been eventually delivered down towards the printer. A weeks that are few the blues arrived. That’s a photocopy printed from the plates that are final. The blues tend to be your chance that is last to any typos and make any needed corrections before the book goes to press. Changes are expensive at this point you haven’t made any major errors.With so you have to hope That hurdle that is last, the books were printed. We were ambitious. A print was ordered by us run of 5,000 publications. That will have now been a printing that is respectable for the major presses. It was very ambitious for an author that is unknown a self posted guide.The publications found its way to time for xmas 1986.By that point Mark and I also had been currently in the office on a book that is second “

Edgrr The Bear Who Wanted to be Real

”. We published that story the following Christmas and the year that is following published the next guide within the Kenyon Bear show, “

Sara’s tale – The Bear Nobody Wanted

”. Mark needed to bow away from illustrating this story that is third. His non-artist work life was taking too much of his time to work on a book that is third therefore Sara’s tale had been illustrated by another close friend, Jane Isabella. Jane had been a artist that is professional worked for us from time to time in the shop. Jane brought her style that is own and of whimsy towards the pen-and-ink drawings.

Sara had been posted only with time for Christmas time 1988. By that right time we had sold out of Teddies to the Rescue and we were running low on Edgrr. But we didn’t do another print run of either written guide because my mom had eventually determined that after very nearly twenty years of working the store she had been prepared to retire. 1989 had been the final year that is full the shop. We had sold out of all three books when we closed in January 1990. Which was rather an achievement.

Kenyon, Edgrr, Sara and all sorts of the various other bears who was simply showcased within the written books went home to live with me. I still have them all. They live in a available room just like that explained when you look at the guide, an upstairs bed room this is certainly supervised because of the extremely elderly, and far enjoyed teddy bear my mom had as a young child.

The Bear my mother had as a young child.I wrote two more Kenyon Bear stories, but I was busy with horses. I never had those whole tales illustrated, as well as years they put forgotten in a pile of various other documents.When the tree dropped back at my household in 2020, the storyline for the Upstairs Armadillo wasn’t the manuscript that is only I found. I unearthed the Kenyon that is unpublished Bear plus some other tales I’d written.

Covid had turn off all vacation. I’d time for you to review. Time and energy to dream. Time to compose.

No guide is actually really worth reading in the age 10 that is maybe not similarly – and sometimes more – well worth reading in the age fifty and past.
” C.S. Lewis“Modern Horse Training” had been the concern. That guide developed out from the clinics that are on-line I developed to take the place of the in-person clinics that the virus shut down. Now I can turn my attention back to the children’s books that it is successfully launched.

So eventually, most likely these times of teasing you with information regarding my latest posting endeavor, without a doubt tips on how to get “Teddies towards the Rescue”:

You can purchase “the brand-new book”Teddies towards the relief” through my site:


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