So what does Raining Dogs And Cats Mean? Origins associated with the term



Final Updated upon: August 9, 2023 by Crystal Uys

very heavy rain in the backyard

The term “raining dogs and cats” is a type of appearance familiar with explain hefty rainfall or a rapid downpour. Whilst the phrase’s definition is popular, its beginnings tend to be less obvious. Numerous ideas advise in which the term originated in, which range from useful to mythical.

Some advise the term descends from poor people drainage methods in 17th-century European countries. At the same time, other people think that it could have its origins in Norse mythology. Another concept implies the term ended up being a French term misheard by English speakers.

While there’s no definitive response, examining these ideas can reveal the way the term has actually developed. Let’s explore various ideas towards beginnings associated with the term “raining dogs and cats.”

exactly what Does “Raining dogs and cats” suggest?

In contemporary use, the idiom “raining dogs and cats” is usually familiar with explain really hefty rainfall. It frequently gets the connotation the rainfall is unanticipated or abrupt. For instance, some body might state, “I happened to be likely to take a stroll, however it’s raining dogs and cats around.”

The term also can explain other stuff decreasing greatly or perhaps in large volumes. For-instance, some body might state, “The leaves tend to be dropping want it’s raining dogs and cats.” That will explain a really hefty autumnal leaf autumn.

Alternatively, they might state, “My inbox is filled with e-mails; it is raining dogs and cats in right here.” It might explain a formidable quantity of incoming communications.

Overall, “raining dogs and cats” is a type of and versatile idiom familiar with explain hefty rainfall. It may establish other stuff decreasing greatly, in large volumes, or perhaps in a chaotic or disorderly circumstance.

heavy rain outdoors in the garden
Image Credit: chulmin1700, Pixabay

Origin of “Raining dogs and cats”

The beginning associated with the idiom “raining dogs and cats” is unsure. It was a subject of much conjecture and debate among language professionals for years and years. Whilst the real beginning associated with the term is unidentified, a number of ideas information exactly how it could attended become.

Check out social and historic sources which help offer framework because of its usage. Additionally they reveal various organizations and definitions the term has actually obtained with time.

Medieval European countries

It’s thought that “raining dogs and cats” originated in medieval European countries, in which folks built their particular houses with thatched straw roofs. Thatched roofs had been well-known because they had been an easy task to construct and supplied great insulation. But, during hefty rainfall, the straw would consider along the roofing, causing it to collapse.

Small pets, like dogs and cats, would often conceal in rafters of those roofs to flee the rainfall. If the roofing would collapse during huge rainstorm, the pets would fall through the roofing. This unanticipated picture during hefty rainfall could have led individuals to state it had been “raining dogs and cats.”

While there’sn’t adequate proof to guide this concept, its well-known among language professionals. Therefore, it is frequently recommended just as one beginning associated with the term. The idea has many historic quality, as thatched roofs had been typical in medieval European countries.

These roofs frequently folded during hefty rainfall in medieval age. Also, dogs and cats existed as animals and may have needed protection in rafters during a storm.

Norse Mythology

Another “raining dogs and cats” concept implies it originated in Norse mythology. In Norse mythology, dogs and cats had been related to storms and poor weather. The Norse god Odin possessed a set of kitties he delivered to the clouds to fight with Thor, the god of thunder.

The kitties would claw during the clouds and then make all of them launch their particular rainfall, causing the fact that cats triggered rainfall. Therefore, the term described the concept that during hefty rainstorms, these mythological animals had been battling in clouds and evoking the rainfall to-fall much more greatly.

While there’s small to no proof to guide this concept, it functions as a potential beginning associated with the term.

heavy rain in the streets
Image Credit: Benfe, Pixabay

French term “Catadoupe”

Another concept shows that it could have descends from the French term “catadoupe.” In French, “catadoupe” implies waterfall or cataract. This term could have registered The united kingdomt during Norman Conquest of 1066 whenever French became the language associated with the English judge.

whenever talked rapidly or with a regional accent, “catadoupe” may appear to be “cats and puppies.” The term ended up being perhaps misheard and duplicated by English speakers. In the course of time, it became the English appearance “raining dogs and cats.”

While small proof aids this concept, it is a plausible description. That people talked French in The united kingdomt during old helps it be believable. The similarity between “catadoupe” and “cats and puppies” additionally increases its plausibility.

Greek Phrase

Another concept shows that it could attended through the Greek appearance “cata doxa.” In Greek, “cata doxa” implies “contrary to have or belief.” This appearance ended up being familiar with explain circumstances that have been unanticipated or despite just what a person might anticipate.

“Raining dogs and cats” defines a silly and unanticipated circumstance that appears despite belief. If it had been raining so difficult it felt impossible, folks might state it had been “raining dogs and cats.”

The undeniable fact that “cata doxa” and “cats and puppies” sound comparable may have added to its advancement. But no obvious proof shows that the term ended up being lent from Greek.

Jonathan Swift’s Poem

One concept implies the term identifies bad drainage methods on structures in 17th-century European countries. During hefty rainfall, the empties on structures may become blocked with dirt along with other products. Thus, they might overflow and disgorge their particular items on the roads below.

This could range from the corpses of every pets built up in empties. It had been a grim and unpleasant picture for onlookers.

This concept is referenced in Jonathan Swift’s 1710 poem “Description of a City Shower.” Swift defines huge London rainfall that sends unpleasant things combined with flooding. That features “drowned puppies, stinking sprats, all drenched in dirt, lifeless kitties and turnip-tops.”

“Raining dogs and cats” defines a distressing and unanticipated picture. Therefore, it is in keeping with the concept it descends from witnessing pet corpses along with other dirt during hefty rainfall.

a woman and a child standing by the streets while raining
Image Credit: JumpStory

European Folklore

One feasible research may be the connection of dogs and cats with witches and their particular familiars in European folklore. Through the old, dogs and cats had been frequently portrayed as friends of witches. The pets had been additionally considered to have magical abilities.

Thus, the notion of dogs and cats dropping through the sky during hefty rainfall might have been regarded as a supernatural incident. It had been thought that these witches could get a handle on the current weather. Folks additionally believed they could make use of their particular abilities making it rain dogs and cats as a kind of discipline or even to trigger chaos.

The connection of those pets with witches goes back into medieval duration. Kitties had been additionally considered to talk to spirits and shape-shift into various other pets. Likewise, puppies had been regarded as possess capacity to identify and reduce the chances of bad spirits.

The term could have supported as a warning of impending risk or an indication of misfortune.

Animal Welfare in eighteenth Century

Another research may be the connection of dogs and cats with pet benefit in 1800s. In those times, there have been concerns towards remedy for kitties and puppies in cities. The pets had been frequently ignored or mistreated during these places.

The term might have been familiar with draw focus on the plight of those pets. In addition perhaps motivated individuals to become more aware of the benefit.

Nonsensical Phrase

There tend to be numerous ideas regarding beginning associated with the term “raining dogs and cats.” Nonetheless it’s additionally feasible that there’s no obvious or rational description because of its beginning. It may be a nonsensical term useful for its funny or exaggerated impact.

It may have explained specifically hefty rain without having any main metaphor or symbolism. It resembles various other English expressions for hefty rainfall, like “raining pitchforks” or “raining hammer manages.” These expressions express the strength of a storm without having any much deeper definition.

It’s additionally feasible the term developed from lots of beginnings and impacts. Much like numerous components of language and tradition, the phrase’s beginnings might have been lost or forgotten. Brand new interpretations and definitions appeared whilst the terms had been passed on through years.

Ultimately, the actual beginning associated with the term “raining dogs and cats” may continue to be a mystery.


“Raining dogs and cats” is a well-known appearance familiar with explain hefty rainfall or a rapid downpour. Despite its extensive usage, the phrase’s beginnings continue to be mystical. There has been many different ideas recommended through the years.

Regardless of their beginning, its appeal shows exactly how language and tradition advance. From ancient fables to useful factors, the term is formed by many social and historic impacts.

Featured Image Credit: sirtravelalot, Shutterstock

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