Smart controls that are environmental boost poultry growth



Smart controls could help better maintain consistent temperatures in poultry houses, suggest the preliminary results of a pilot project at the Smart Manufacturing & Advanced Recycling Technologies (SMART) Centre at Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning.

“We’re Trying to quantify the impact that this technology has for the growers, which is typically more time, but they’re also saving on propane and fuel,” Mark Maxwell, Agrimesh Technologies CEO, stated.

“What’s Interesting is that the operational system is updating, irrespective of the geography,” he noted, adding that the system has been tested in numerous climates throughout North America.

Consistent temperature and other parameters that are environmental add to enhanced feed conversations and livability and benefit improvements.

Smart settings for ecological monitoring

The system, provided during the 2022 Poultry Tech Summit, utilizes intelligence that is artificialAI) to analyze poultry house conditions and make real-time decisions to manage the environment to lower a poultry houses energy cost.

Instead of having to program a standard ventilation system, limits for each environmental variable are determined by the producer and entered into the technology’s settings, which enables the AI software to learn how each piece of equipment affects the temperature or humidity in the house. 

The technology also evaluates the weather forecast and can react to how the environment that is outside impact the house’s environment.

Attend the 2023 Poultry Tech Summit

Join a special worldwide gathering of industry-changing innovators, scientists, business owners, technology professionals, people and poultry that is leading at the 2023 edition of Poultry Tech Summit on November 6-8 at the Hilton Atlanta Airport in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Attendees can expect the groundbreaking that is same and informative presentations that made the earlier activities well-attended with deep discussion on brand new potential solutions and next-generation technologies. Poultry Tech Summit is targeted on the change of revolutionary technologies into commercial programs to advance the chicken business.

Registration for this occasion has become open. Early bird savings can be obtained.
