Shih-tzu Grooming – guidelines & Styles



With luscious hair and puppy-dog eyes, Shih Tzus tend to be truly adorable puppies. But if Shih Tzus aren’t correctly groomed, they could become searching similar to a matted mop. From each day brushing to less regular remedies, there are many practices you really need to follow to help keep your shih-tzu searching and experiencing their most readily useful.

In inclusion to shih-tzu brushing, their particular long-hair enables different designs, making your puppy more trendy pup inside playground. Whether going for an extended layer or an easy design, making sure your shih-tzu is acceptably groomed is paramount to maintaining him neat and comfortable.

Shih Tzu Grooming basicsgrooming a shih tzu

There are some important places to consider whenever brushing a Shih Tzu. Included in these are the face area, layer, fingernails, and teeth. All these rooms needs another grooming method and differing frequencies.

The location that needs more interest may be the face. One explanation the face area needs brushing is really because Shih Tzus are susceptible to rip spots.

This occurs when it seems such as your pooch is consistently sobbing. These markings can stain your dog’s layer and will create an embarrassing smell.

The simplest way to eradicate this dilemma should maintain your Shih Tzu’s layer slashed quick across the face.

However, regarding day-to-day upkeep, just take a cotton baseball dipped in hot water and carefully wipe the rips away. Later, dried out the damp location with a towel. As well as the eyes, Shih Tzus can build up dust and meals around their particular beards.

Once once again, the most effective avoidance strategy should keep carefully the undesired facial hair quick, however for day-to-day maintenance, make use of a warm, damp washcloth to wipe away residue and dried out with another bath towel. As well as the eyes and undesired facial hair, make a practice of examining your pooch’s ears.

Although they’ll not need day-to-day cleansing, the floppy nature of these ears means they are much more at risk of ear attacks. Look for an excessive amount of wax and an abnormal smell.

Shih Tzu Coat Maintenence

In inclusion to day-to-day face brushing, you’ll clean your Shih Tzu’s layer every couple of days. The regularity of cleaning can vary greatly on the basis of the period of your pup’s layer, but every 3 days is typical. At least, you really need to clean your shih-tzu once weekly.

There tend to be multiple advantages which come from cleaning your shih-tzu. The very first is which you assist get rid of dust, dirt and any parasites that will have landed inside dog’s tresses. Constantly combing these products completely can benefit your dog’s layer and epidermis.

There tend to be multiple advantages which come from cleaning your shih-tzu. The very first is which you assist get rid of dust, dirt and any parasites that will have landed inside dog’s tresses. Constantly combing these products completely can benefit your dog’s layer and epidermis.

Due for their long-hair, Shih Tzus tend to be specially at risk of knots and matting. Consequently, if you want to help keep your pup’s tresses lengthy, regular cleaning is crucial. To get this done, make use of a brush with versatile pins and slicker available at any animal shop. Since their particular tresses is very long, begin at the end and work the right path up to get any tangles away. Remember to spend unique awareness of areas being prone to matting.

shih tzu hairstyles

Since their particular tresses is very long, begin at the end and work the right path up to get any tangles away. Remember to spend unique awareness of areas being prone to matting.

These issue rooms consist of behind the ears, in fold where in actuality the feet and the body meet, across the back and behind the feet.

By checking up on routine cleaning, you won’t just maintain your Shih Tzu’s layer clean, however you will in addition assist prevent difficult tangles and matted fur.

One error men and women make has ended washing their particular animals. Dog’s have quite painful and sensitive epidermis, and exorbitant washing can cause dry epidermis.

By cleaning on a regular basis, it’s possible to get rid of dust and uniformly circulate essential oils through the entire layer. In case the shih-tzu gets specially dirty, it really is ok to clean him, however it is essential to not ever make a practice from it.

Since Shih Tzu’s coats need slices and trims, just bathe your pup as he gets a haircut. If you’re carrying this out yourself, choose for a normal, moisturizing hair care that’ll not aggravate your pooch’s epidermis.

Shih Tzu Nail & Teeth Care

The last two regions of focus tend to be the trickiest to-do your self— one’s teeth and fingernails. Lots of people choose getting the groomer care for these; but they’ve been both doable yourself. Although cleaning your Shih Tzu’s teeth are an arduous task, as the puppy becomes familiar with the program, it’s going to come to be much easier.

The initial step gets a soft brush through the animal shop made particularly for puppies. As well as the brush, get a designated doggy tooth paste your puppy will see tasty. Allow your puppy lick a number of the tooth paste prior to carefully raising the lip and cleaning their teeth.

Although some resources suggest cleaning every couple of days, once weekly should suffice. When it comes to cutting your pup’s fingernails, one of the keys isn’t to reduce them as well quick and injure your puppy, and to not ever let them come to be overgrown in which they could snag or start curling to your dog’s epidermis.

If you’re uncomfortable cutting your Shih Tzu’s fingernails all on your own, be sure that the groomer does once you bring your pooch set for a haircut.

how to groom a shih tzuShih Tzu Hairstyles

Now you know just how to groom a Shih Tzu, you’ll choose from different hairstyles. Because of their long-hair, shih-tzu brushing designs are priced between reasonable to large upkeep. 

The cheapest upkeep slice may be the puppy slice or summer time slice. This design occurs when hair is slashed quick through the entire physique.

The puppy slice is wonderful for the sunshine also to lessen upkeep. Variants associated with puppy slashed keep carefully the tresses from the ears and upper body much longer. Another zero-maintenance slice may be the teddy-bear slice.

This design keeps your Shih Tzu’s tresses quick, but produces a fluffy appearance. With this specific design, hair is cut-in a round form across the face, producing the teddy-bear look.

Another zero-maintenance slice may be the teddy-bear slice. This design keeps your Shih Tzu’s tresses quick, but produces a fluffy appearance. With this specific design, hair is cut-in a round form across the face, producing the teddy-bear look.

The much longer, large upkeep hairstyles would be the topknots. The useful topknot occurs when hair is remaining very long, yet not way too long so it drags on the floor. Then tresses from the mind is collected into a topknot, that will be organized by a hair connect or cut. The design that needs more brushing may be the topknot show-cut, the standard shih-tzu hairstyle for tv show puppies.

This design keeps hair provided feasible using topknot from the mind. This design isn’t useful for day-to-day use given that it needs a good amount of day-to-day upkeep. Regardless of haircut you decide on, regular trims and routine brushing can help you keep your Shih Tzu’s layer healthier.


  1. “Beyond The Puppy Cut: Shih-tzu Hairstyles.”, 16 Mar. 2017, Accessed 8 Aug 2017.
  2. Williams, Jane. “Grooming Processes For Shih-tzu Dogs.” Animals The Nest, 14 July 2016, Accessed 8 Aug 2017.
  3. Adkins, Falinia. “How to Groom a Maltese shih-tzu | Cuteness.” Cuteness, 9 Feb. 2017, Accessed 8 Aug 2017.
  4. “Shih Tzu Breed Of Dog Suggestions, Images, Qualities & Details.” Dogtime, Accessed 8 Aug 2017.
  5. Mansourian, Erika. “The attractive shih-tzu Coat, From Top Knot to Tail – United states Kennel Club.” United States Kennel Club, 5 Oct. 2015, Accessed 8 Aug 2017.
