Severely Emaciated Dog in Care of ARL



Emaciated dog making progress, ARL Law Enforcement investigating case of animal cruelty

While a severely emaciated dog currently in the care of the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) is making progress, ARL’s Law Enforcement Department is investigating this case of starvation and gross neglect and is asking the public for any information which could lead to charges and subsequent prosecution for animal cruelty.

The approximately one-year-old dog, now named Dobby, was reportedly found as a stray in the area of Franklin Park in Dorchester in mid-August, and was transported to ARL’s Dedham Animal Care and Adoption Center for care.

Upon arrival at ARL, he received a thorough veterinary exam and the greatest concern surrounding his condition was the extreme level of emaciation.

Weighing just 37 pounds, he scored a 1 out of 9 on the body condition score chart which represents the highest level of emaciation with ribs, lumbar vertebrae, pelvic bones and all bony prominences evident from a distance, no discernible body fat and obvious loss of muscle mass.

Additionally, Dobby’s fur was urine-stained, presented with mild dental disease, and he also had a number of pressure sores, indicating that he had been kept confined to a small space.

Dobby was placed on a refeeding plan, and while he initially lost weight, he is now trending in the right direction weighing approximately 40 pounds, and continuing to make progress.

Despite his condition, Dobby knows he is in a safe and caring environment and personifies resilience and strength, as he has been incredibly friendly and receptive to attention from ARL staff.

He will be heading into foster care soon and it’s important to note that due to his condition he is not currently available for adoption.

ARL Law Enforcement asks that anyone with information pertaining to this case to call (617) 426-9170 x110 or email
