Ouranosaurus Thumb Spikes Confirmed by Everything Dinosaur



Everything Dinosaur can confirm that the recently arrived Ouranosaurus figures WuJu and WuWei have thumb spikes. Yes, we have Ouranosaurus thumb spikes. The Haolonggood Ouranosaurus models in stock at Everything Dinosaur are the latest version. These figures have a thumb spike.

Haolonggood Ouranosaurus thumb spikes.
The Haolonggood green Ouranosaurus model (WuJu) with thumb spikes. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

Ouranosaurus Thumb Spikes

The earlier production run of these models lacked thumb spikes. However, once this omission had been highlighted, the design team at Haolonggood set about correcting this oversight. The digits on the manus (hand) have been remodelled to reflect more accurately the fossil record.

Everything Dinosaur will post up a short YouTube video in the near future that demonstrates how the model has been amended.

Ouranosaurus thumb spikes.
Everything Dinosaur will post up a short YouTube video highlighting the thumb spikes on the Haolonggood Ouranosaurus dinosaur models. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur.

Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur

To view the range of Haolonggood prehistoric animal models and figures in stock at Everything Dinosaur: Haolonggood Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animal Models.

Quality Dinosaur Figures

A spokesperson from Everything Dinosaur praised the Haolonggood model range. He highlighted the details found on the two Ouranosaurus models (WuJu and WuWei).

The spokesperson went onto add:

“We intend to post up a short video on Everything Dinosaur’s YouTube channel featuring the two models. Customers have enquired about these Ouranosaurus figures and want to get the more accurate version with the thumb spike. Our video will highlight the thumb spikes helping to inform and reassure our customers.”

Visit the award-winning and user-friendly Everything Dinosaur website: Everything Dinosaur.
