Noticed Outside My Window


Orange jewelweed, Beechwood Nature Center, 16 August 2023 (photo by Kate St. John)26 August 2023

  • Well, mostly “this week. week” Two photos are older but I didn’t have room for them last time. Here’s a selection spanning 12 days.
  • Orange jewelweed (Impatiens capensis), above, does well at ASWP’s Beechwood Nature Center but is nearly extirpated from Schenley Park by deer overbrowse.
  • Tiny pink and white flowers of willow-herb (
  • Epilobium sp
  • ) at West Penn Park on Polish Hill.
  • Sneezeweed at ASWP’s Beechwood Nature Center. They’ve cultivated many flowers that are native the meadows.
Porcelain berry leaves have numerous forms, also regarding the plant that is same. An image of four forms.
Great lobelia at ASWP’s Beechwood Nature Center.Pink-orange sunrise on 24 August.Willow-herb, Western Penn Park, Polish Hill, 20 August 2023 (picture by Kate St. John)
Common sneezeweed (
Helenium autumnale
), Beechwood Nature Center, 24 August 2023 (picture by Kate St. John)

4 forms of porcelain berry leaves, Nine Mile Run Trail, Lower Frick, 13 August 2023 (picture by Kate St. John)Great lobelia, Beechwood Nature Center, 24 August 2023 (picture by Kate St. John)Sunrise in Pittsburgh, 24 August 2023 (picture by Kate St. John)

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