Monday 28th August, 2023 – Richard Phillips Racing



Fighting Poet was announced inside amateur cyclists handicap over two kilometers at Lingfield on Wednesday.  Yet again our amateur Ed Mitchell needs the trip saying seven weight.  Ed had their very first trip on Poet at Wolverhampton on their earlier run which intensify in travel should fit him.  Although competitive adequate when it comes to class, Poet shows adequate in the earlier events to perform really if things get their means.

Corrany hopped too very carefully straight back over walls at Stratford on Thursday and Finn Lambert stated that this is why he could never ever enter into the battle and carefully cared for him.  We shall operate him straight back over obstacles in some days time since these hurdles appear to fit him better.

Thank one to everyone else which found help yesterday’s Adlestrop Club charity cricket match.  Yet again a Phillips XI took from the neighborhood part when it comes to Adlestrop Ashes.  The residents retained the trophy but a lot of enjoyable ended up being had.  Thanks towards people quitting their particular Sunday for these types of a great cause in rushing Welfare.  Richard Johnson and Marcus Armytage had been accompanied by their particular child Willow and child Arty correspondingly.  Arty won the ‘Mick Barnes athlete regarding the complement’ glass for their exceptional bowling and batting.

The match is played in memory of Luke Watson plus it ended up being great having their household attend the match.  Enjoy increasing more income for rushing Welfare and also the gorgeous Adlestrop Cricket Club the following year.

Monday 28th August, 20232023-08-28Richard Phillips rushing
