Lundy Bird Observatory Update – 5th-8th September



The cleared up weather condition has actually proceeded today, winds continuing to be as light easterlies aside from a much gustier early morning on the 5th. The 5th was extremely peaceful, yet the week obtained far more interesting on the 6th-8th, with 4 Wryneck on the island for 2 days along with a first-year Woodchat Shrike on the sixth.

Very first year Woodchat Shrike Barton’s Area © Angus Croudace

Very first year Woodchat Shrike on Sycamore over Millcombe Pines © Angus Croudace

Since we enjoy the swing of fall varieties of Sylvia warblers are beginning to climb, with concerning a loads Blackcap and also Whitethroat normally rising Millcombe. Matters of 41, 65 and also 40 Willow Warblers on the 6-8th, with a recognizable button to adolescent birds instead of the grownups that controlled the earlier matters in the period. A number of Reed Warblers, Chiffchaff and also Usual Redstart seen every day, and also one Sedge Warbler on the sixth (Pondsbury) and also 8th (Millcombe pines). There was a little press of Firecrest, with 5 on the sixth. In 2015 the highest possible Firecrest matter was 3 on the 9th September, with various other matters of 3 later on in October. The press today is most likely to stand for regional landmass dog breeders, with Scandinavian birds creating the mass of our flow in October. 

Firecrest, Millcombe © Angus Croudace

Flycatchers have actually been a jov to view, with the eastern side favorably humming with them. Max matters of 22 and also 45 Found Flycatcher on the sixth and also 7th and also 18 and also 24 Pied Flycatcher on the very same days. For contrast, in 2014 optimal matters of Pied Flycatcher were 6 in very early September, and also max matter of Found Flycatcher was 20. This is a terrific contrast which reveals the influence of the continual eastern winds that we have actually been experiencing. 7 Whinchat on the 7th and also 11 on the 8th are fantastic indicators of even more fall travelers relocating with, as are Tree Pipit (2 over Millcombe on the 7th, and also a minimum of 4 over the island on the 8th). 1 or 2 Siskin have actually additionally been listened to flying over Millcombe 2 because the sixth.

Found Flycatcher over Millcombe © Angus Croudace

One Swift and also one Sand Martin over on the sixth together with a little press of 250 Swallows. 5 Residence Martin on the 7th were come with by a drip of 60 Swallow. A Collared Dove was seen over Millcombe and also on the roof covering of the barn on the sixth. The fall has actually been sluggish on the raptor front, with just one woman Sparrowhawk seen on the 5th, sixth and also 8th.

Golden Plover over Millcombe on the 7th, with 5 Ringed Plover additionally videotaped north of Quarter Wall surface. One Usual Snipe at Pondsbury on the 5th and also sixth and also 3 on the 8th. An eastern shore seal study additionally showed up a Usual Sandpiper at Brazen Ward and also 2 Turnstone at North Light, along with a matter of 26 Oystercatcher. Wader flow is significantly under-recorded on the island and also possibilities such as going along with the aquatic group on seal studies is a terrific justification to get a few of these birds. One More Usual Sandpiper was learnt through Millcombe at night on the 8th. A Grey Heron has actually still been observed most days.

The first-year Rose-coloured Starling remained to 7th, seen with the various other starlings as frequently as it is alone around the town and also Millcombe. The Pintail has actually existed till the 7th, investing even more time around Pondsbury than Millcombe.

In regards to calling initiative, the light winds because the sixth have actually implied that the haze webs in Millcombe have actually been open every day with highlights of 3 Wryneck ringed (one was captured in the Heligoland catch on the Balcony). A number of pleasurable night sessions on the 7th and also 8th got a loads flycatchers. Our seeing ringers remain to sound around 20 Manx Shearwater over on the west shore, with a number of Tornado Petrels got also.

Wryneck, Millcombe © Angus Croudace
