Lundy Bird Observatory Update – 1st – fourth September



Clear skies and also intense, completely dry days indicated that regardless of regular easterlies the initial 2 days of September began rather silently, with usual travelers flowing via and also early morning demographics rather short on numbers. Nevertheless, functioning the reduced eastern in the mid-day generated outstanding outcomes on Sunday 3rd, with a remarkable day consisting of highlights of a Western Bonelli’s Warbler, Harmonic Warbler and also Wryneck on the Balcony (in addition to Identified Flycatcher, Pied Flycatcher and also 2 Typical Redstart). Millcombe had not been to be overlooked, with the initial Whinchats of the period simply over around Barton’s Area, a Firecrest in the pines, and also a juv Rose-Coloured Starling flying from the church to listed below Federal government very early night. Wryneck, 2x Firecrest and also Rose-Coloured Starling all existing momentarily day on the fourth.

Western Bonelli’s Warbler, St Helen’s Copse, Luke Marriner

Wryneck, Balcony, Angus Croudace

Ringed Plover songs were listened to by quarter wall surface on demographics on the second and also third, with a 2nd listened to conforming Gannets Bay on the third. Solitary Golden Plover listened to on the second, and also solitary Dunlin over the town on third and also ‘in-off’ at the Ugly on the fourth. Typical Snipe purged from Rocket Post on 1st, flying over Quarter wall surface on second, and also purged from Pondsbury on fourth. A Pintail has actually been seen daily given that the 1st, relocating in between fresh water bodies and also the Touchdown Bay, a lot of memorably on Millcombe fish pond, and also soon after in the leading rack of a Secret Yard haze internet (albeit as well quickly to recover)!

Black-headed Gull flew north along the west on the second. Grey Herons have actually been seen on first (grown-up at Barton’s Area) and also third (juv at Pondsbury). Ringtail Chicken Harrier relocating north of Quarter Wall surface on second, however has actually not been seen given that.

Skylark noticed the third and also 3 on the fourth, and also a little hirundine activity with 2 each of Sand and also Residence Martin and also 71 Swallow on the third and also 4 Residence Martin, 39 Swallow on fourth. Birds showed up to decrease in throughout the day on Sunday 3rd, with a last total amount of 82 Willow Warblers after simply a pair on demographics in morning and also total amounts of 7 on the previous 2 days. Additionally taped on Sunday 3rd were 10 Blackcap, 1 Yard Warbler, 3 Whitethroat, 8 Goldcrest, 7 Identified Flycatcher, 2 Typical Redstart and also 2 Whinchat. The initial Yellow Wagtail of the period was taped on demographics on the third and also fourth and also 10 alba Wagtails were likewise taped on the third and also fourth. 2 Tree Pipit songs over Millcombe on third and also one more 2 on the fourth. Monday the fourth was really active with Identified Flycatchers, with 23 taped, and also one Pied Flycatcher.

Webs were open in Millcombe for every one of Friday and also numerous hrs on Saturday/Sunday prior to winds raised, although capture price was rather slow-moving, with around 60 usual travelers and also regional dog breeders ringed. A team of seeing ringers have actually been placing some initiative right into the Manx Shearwaters, with a number of loads chicks ringed each evening.

Firecrest, Millcombe, Luke Marriner

Pied Flycatcher, Luke Marriner

Identified Flycatcher, Luke Marriner

juv Rose-Coloured Starling, Millcombe, Luke Marriner
