Lundy Bird Observatory: Lundy Bird Observatory Update



The eastern winds proceeded over the weekend break prior to switching over to dominating south-westerly on Monday 11th as well as a modest northern on Tuesday 12th.

It’s been a rollercoaster of a weekend break, shedding the candle light at both ends (as well as between) with webs open at dawn in Millcombe as well as a late evening Tornado Petrel/Manx Shearwater session in between 2 evenings of amazing initiative which wrapped up with a Hoopoe as well as a Typical Snipe.

2nd year Hoopoe ringed © Adam Day

After a sluggish fall on the raptor front, the previous couple of days have actually seen solitary discoveries of initial year Marsh Harrier in off as well as north at the Balcony on the 10th, initial year Osprey in off and after that southern at Millcombe on the 11th as well as Pastime quickly around the Touchdown Bay on 11th. Our checking out ringers Adam Day as well as Rory Akam are attributed with every one of these documents, so we’re really grateful to have them on the island.

We remained to abound with Wryneck, with 4 people ringed to day, as well as a minimum of a 5th unringed bird observed on the 12th. Stayers in Brambles Rental property were also able to appreciate as well as picture a Wryneck from their living-room. The Rose-coloured Starling is still existing, although there have actually been no additional discoveries of the Pintail. 

Initial year Wryneck from Brambles Suite Living Space © Clive Couzens

2 Golden Plover individually at contrary ends of the island on the 11th, a Ringed Plover over the eastern on the 11th, Dunlin on Barton’s Fish pond on 10th as well as around High Road on 12th, solitary Snipe daily other than 11th as well as ultimately a Typical Sandpiper spoken with North Light in the evening of the 8th compose waders monitorings for this duration. Little Herring Gull activities kept in mind with 23 on the 11th. Currently of year our reproduction Herring Gulls have actually distributed, leaving birds strolling in between feeding teams. Little activities such as this are generally tape-recorded throughout the fall prior to our regional birds return on in a number of months to over winter months around the island. 2 initial year Grey Heron existed on the island on 11th.

Ringed Plover southern of Half-way Wall surface. © Clive Couzens (Photo handled 7th Sept)

Hirundine counts stay as a drip so far, with peak matters of 15 Sand Martin, 10 Residence Martin, 12 Swallow on the 11th. There were 3 Swift feeding over the landing field all mid-day on the 9th also.

Wonderful arrival of 24 Chiffchaff, 26 Typical Whitethroat on the 9th in addition to a Hoopoe over by Quarter Wall surface. A number of Sedge, Yard as well as Reed Warblers have actually been gotten most days as well as a Insect Warbler was ringed on the 10th. Blackcap have actually balanced 20 most days, besides the 11th which was much quieter with just 6 identified. Willow Warbler were comparable in their wealth, with c.40 most days, yet just a lots on the 11th. We’re still grabbing Firecrest, with a height of 4 on the 11th. There was a tiny arrival of Goldcrest on the 12th with 21 tape-recorded. A Treecreeper, the initial for the year, was additionally tape-recorded on the 11th. A Bonelli’s Warbler sp. revealed really perfectly on the Balcony on the 10th. No phone call was listened to therefore it is really hard to accomplish as western or eastern based upon quill alone.

Bonelli’s Warbler sp. Balcony. © Angus Croudace

Typical Redstart existed on the Balcony everyday. Flycatcher numbers have actually gradually been handing over, with 16 Detected Flycatcher as well as 10 Pied Flycatcher on the 9th, as well as simply 3 as well as 5 specifically on the 12th. Whinchat have actually additionally been leaving with just 3 on the 9th as well as a solitary on the 10th. In addition to the obvious increase of Whitethroat, North Wheatear were bountiful once more on the 9th, with a matter of 15 tape-recorded likely an underestimate. The very same Wheatear was captured as well as ringed in SW area on the 9th as well as 11th whilst amazing as well as it’s weight had actually boosted by simply over 2g, which is simply under 10% of it’s general body weight. It’s fantastic to see difficult information confirming these birds feeding up prior to they start the following leg of their movement, which is just feasible with the understandings of the BTO buzzing plan. A few of the Wheatears were of the Greenland race leucorhoa, which are significantly chunkier as well as well-marked in the area.

A Yellow Wagtail existed on the 9th as well as 10th, with the initial 2 Grey Wagtail of the period around on the 9th-12th. A number of Tree Pipit remain to be gotten every day. A huge group of 180 Linnet has actually been seen for numerous days feeding around Pondsbury as well as a site visitor caught an audio recording of a Nightingale in the Bracken listed below the Balcony on 12th.

It’s additionally that time of year where young Manx Shearwaters are effectively fledging as well as leaving the  swarm. Nonetheless, for a couple of the attraction of the Marisco Pub is way too much! In between sundown as well as twelve o’clock at night (after which the diesel generators turn off for the evening) the lights of the Pub draw in a handful of birds yearly. Upon touchdown at the Pub, the level ground makes it hard for them to touch down once more – the high high cliffs of the nests are an important part of obtaining them air-borne when they fledge. They scuttle right into splits, gaps or edges around the Pub structures when dawn comes, yet they’re not constantly also concealed as they could believe! These birds are saved when discovered in the early morning. We seize the day to sound them and after that that night return them to a burrow in the swarm to assist them in their following trip effort. They would normally filter to the high cliffs once more themselves under the cover of darkness, yet our aiding hand provides a faster way (they are notoriously uncomfortable when steering ashore), as well as additionally relocates them out the method of the daytime pedestrian website traffic in the active town.
