Lundy Bird Observatory: Lundy Bird Observatory improve



 mild northerlies produced the products from the area with powerful migration becoming noticeable from day to night. Good passing of hirundines and Swift held everyone else out from day to night counting, because the wardens could start some nets today. Todays totals tend to be below: 13 person and 11 youthful Mallard, 2 person and 7 youthful Teal on pondsbury. A Male Cuckoo was first-seen on Quarter Wall however made its method into Millcombe inside mid-day after that in to the pitch internet. Just the 2nd bird is ringed since 2009 and the next this current year! A god time for waders with a fly over Whimbrel on census, a Summer plumage Dunlin by north-light had been in addition accompanied because of the lengthy remaining Purple Sandpiper and Turnstone, a Common Sandpiper in Aztec Bay seen was just another of the season. A man Kestrel was seen taking meals in to the nest website once again, and 9 Peregrine was the best matter for may. Exemplary Hirundine passageway these days with a trickle early but a large push come the mid-day with all the Tims sitting at north-light counting because the kept the area, an individual Sand Martin, 748 Swallow and 955 House Martin signed in 3 hours, in addition 138 Swift, 7 every one of Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff and Sedge Warbler. Much more interesting development is we now have a couple of Goldcrest in-breeding problem. A staple the past couple of days had been the Spotted Flycatchers and after this did not let you down with 64 becoming seen including 8 becoming ringed. What a spectacle. Women Whinchat on Quarter wall surface and our very first Grey Wagtail of the season travelled more than. The Hooded Crow had been nonetheless in tillage area and a Ringtail Harrier had been seen quickly below one-fourth wall surface cops, most likely a Hen Harrier but views weren’t conclusive.  

Ringing totals:

Sedge Warbler 3, Chiffchaff 3, Spotted Flycatcher 10, Whitethroat 1, Willow Warbler 3, Linnet 2, Goldcrest 2, Goldfinch 2, Swallow 1, Cuckoo 1

Whinchat vs Noticed Flycatcher Luke Marriner

Meadow pipit vs Cuckoo Luke Marriner

Spotted Flycatcher Luke Marriner 
