Lundy Bird Observatory: Lundy Bird Observatory enhance



Waders gotten good representation these days with a Dotterel seen going north by observers stationed at SW Field and Airfield. A lone Whimbrel and two singles of Ringed Plover on the road, certainly one of which combined with 2 Dunlin. A Sandwich Tern ended up being heard when you look at the getting Bay and exemplary protection  saw even more month-to-month totals smashed, now Shag with 82 people taped throughout the area. The immature Cormorant was seen wing-drying by Quarter Wall Pond and a adult relocated across the west coastline. The Kestrel pair stay really energetic using male usually taking back once again Pygmy Shrews towards nest! Mild hirundine passageway totalled 10 Swift, 2 Sand Martin, 254 Swallow and 307 House Martin. Spotted Flycatcher figures coordinated yesterday (16) and there was clearly a little arrival of  5 Willow and 7 Sedge Warblers along the southeast. Two Yellow Wagtail supplied a splash of color and 3 White Wagtail had been logged across Millcombe, Stoneycroft together with town.

Finally, after a study of four interesting dragonfly at Pondsbury yesterday, two male Vagrant Emperor had been verified hawking throughout the liquid, along side a Four-spotted Chaser. That is simply the 4th event of Vagrant Emperor for Lundy (the 3 earlier documents had been in Sep 2015, Feb 2019 and Oct 2020). This employs in from an unprecedented increase to Devon and Cornwall in present months!

Peregrine predating Starling © Richard Campey

Contributors: Joe Parker, Dennis Weir, Kerri Gorentz, Tony Taylor, Eamonn O’Donnell, Ann Taylor, Dez Higgins, Dick Coombes, Gerry Lyons, Steve Wing, Luke Marriner, Geoff Oliver, Richard Campey, Tim Jones, Tim Davis, deep Taylor, Rebecca Taylor, Chris Baillie, Carol Baillie.
