Large Blow-Up Fez to adhere to Shrine Circus towards Carthage Over Big-Top Cruelty



For Immediate launch:
August 29, 2023

David Perle 202-483-7382

Carthage, Tx – they do say all things are “bigger in Tx”—so on Thursday, PETA followers will inflate a gigantic, 15-foot-high fez that reads, “Shrine Circuses Abuse pets,” outside of the Sharon Shrine Circus in Carthage and press the Shriners to modernize by continuing to keep tormented pets from their programs, equally Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus does. The larger-than-life spectacle will likely be section of a five-city promotion for which pet defenders will rally at each and every regarding the circus’s prevents across East Tx.

stop shriners cruel animal circuses ad

whenever:    Thursday, August 31, 6 p.m.

in which:    In front side of Carthage Civic Center, 1702 S. Adams St., Carthage

The Sharon Shrine Circus is probably the final staying reveals that however utilize wildlife, who’re restricted to tiny crates, held in shackles, and deprived of every semblance of an all natural or delighted life. The Sharon Shriners consistently companion with infamously harsh exhibitors, including Carson & Barnes Circus, that has been reported for longer than 100 violations regarding the national Animal Welfare Act and whoever mind instructor had been caught on video clip violently assaulting elephants with bullhooks—weapons resembling a fireplace poker with a-sharp hook on a single end.

“In Shrine circuses, elephants, tigers, along with other wildlife tend to be tormented into doing stressful tips through anxiety about discomfort and discipline,” claims PETA Executive vice-president Tracy Reiman. “PETA is askin Sharon Shriners to finish these horrifying animal functions, as much various other Shrines have done.”

Some well-intentioned individuals may believe going to a Shrine circus advantages kiddies. But admission product sales aren’t non-profit contributions: the gains are familiar with keep up with the club’s premises and investment its tasks.

PETA—whose motto checks out, partly, that “animals aren’t ours for entertainment”—opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. To find out more, please go to, pay attention to The PETA Podcast, or proceed with the team on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
