Known Mythical Creature-Dragons | My Dinosaurs



Dragons have been a right part of human mythology for centuries, appearing in stories and legends from all over the world. These mythical creatures have captured their fierce power to our imaginations, elegant beauty, and mystical nature. Some, just like the Lungs that is asian or European dragons, are very serpentine, with long bodies, sometimes with legs, sometimes without. Others are what most folks of western descent that is european recognize: horns, wings, at the very least two feet, a mouthful of razor-sharp teeth ideal for biting through a questing knight’s armor.

Here are a few popular dragons that are mythical around the world:

1. Fafnir (Norse Mythology): Originally a dwarf who was transformed and cursed into a dragon, Fafnir guarded a hoard of resource. He was sooner or later slain because of the hero Sigurd, which attained knowledge in addition to capability to comprehend the language of wild birds after sampling Fafnir’s bloodstream.

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2. Quetzalcoatl (Aztec Mythology): also referred to as the Feathered Serpent, Quetzalcoatl is a deity connected with wind, atmosphere, and understanding. He could be portrayed as a creature that is dragon-like feathers, often shown as a flying serpent.

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3. Tiamat (Babylonian Mythology): Tiamat is a primordial sea dragon goddess who represents chaos. She was defeated by the god Marduk, who used her body to create the heavens and the earth.

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4. Yinglong (Chinese Mythology): Known as the “responsive dragon,” Yinglong is a powerful rain dragon and is considered the king of all dragons in Chinese mythology. He is often depicted with wings and is associated with bringing rain and floods that are controlling

Famous Mythical Creature Dragons

5. Ladon (Greek Mythology): Ladon is a hundred-headed dragon which guarded the fantastic oranges within the outdoors associated with Hesperides. He was sooner or later slain by Heracles (Hercules) as an element of their Twelve Labors.

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6. Níðhöggr (Norse Mythology): Níðhöggr, or Nidhogg, is a dragon who gnaws in the origins of Yggdrasil, the global world tree. This creature that is terrifying destruction and chaos and is considered current at the conclusion of the whole world, referred to as Ragnarok.

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7. Ryūjin (Japanese Mythology): also referred to as Ōwatatsumi, Ryūjin may be the dragon god associated with water. He could be thought to inhabit a palace underneath the sea and it has the capability to manage the tides and storms. He could be usually connected with serpents and dragons and it is occasionally portrayed as a dragon because of the relative head of a turtle.

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Dragons Today have been a part of human mythology for centuries, and continue to capture our imaginations. Each culture has its own unique interpretation of this mythical creature from the benevolent Chinese dragon to the fierce European dragon. Whether they are symbols of power and strength or guardians of the world that is natural dragons continue to be an amazing and enduring section of our collective imagination.
