Just what Known Dinosaur Fossils Had Been Unearthed in Zigong?



Zigong City, positioned in Sichuan Province, Asia, is known for the wealthy fossil discoveries, specially of dinosaurs through the Jurassic duration. The absolute most popular dinosaur fossils unearthed in Zigong City are the ones associated with the Dashanpu development, with yielded a few remarkable specimens. Here are a few associated with the popular dinosaur fossils found in Zigong City:

1. Shunosaurus: Shunosaurus is yet another dinosaur found in Zigong City. It had been a herbivorous dinosaur recognized for its long-tail with a club-like framework at the conclusion. Shunosaurus existed during belated Jurassic duration and had been mostly of the dinosaurs with protective frameworks at tip of their end.

What Famous Dinosaur Fossils Were Unearthed in Zigong

Life size Shunosaurus model 1

Dinosaur Park appeal Animatronic Shunosaurus>>

Shunosaurus skeleton

2. Omeisaurus: Omeisaurus is a genus of long-necked, herbivorous dinosaurs in Zigong City. It existed during belated Jurassic duration and it is recognized for its reasonably brief throat versus various other long-necked dinosaurs.

What Famous Dinosaur Fossils Were Unearthed in Zigong 1

Omeisaurus model

Omeisaurus Fossil

Museum Replica Omeisaurus Skeleton>>

3. Huayangosaurus: Huayangosaurus is a genus of stegosaurid dinosaurs that existed during belated Jurassic duration. Huayangosaurus is a genus of stegosaurid dinosaur that existed during belated Jurassic duration. It’s recognized for its unique rows of dishes and surges along its as well as end, much like various other stegosaurids. Fossils of Huayangosaurus had been found within the Lower Shaximiao development of Zigong City, rendering it the significant dinosaur discoveries for the reason that area.

What Famous Dinosaur Fossils Were Unearthed in Zigong 3

Animatronic Huayangosaurus >>

Huayangosaurus skeleton 4

Huayangosaurus Skeleton>>

4. Mamenchisaurus: Zigong City is well-known for its Mamenchisaurus fossils, specially Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis. Mamenchisaurus had been a long-necked, herbivorous dinosaur that existed during belated Jurassic duration. It’s significant for the remarkably long-neck, that will be one of the longest of every understood dinosaur.

What Famous Dinosaur Fossils Were Unearthed in Zigong 2

Mamenchisaurus skeleton 1

Museum Replica Mamenchisaurus Skeleton>>

These basically various types of the popular dinosaur fossils unearthed in Zigong City, that has been an important website for paleontological discoveries in Asia and it has added notably to your knowledge of dinosaur development during Jurassic duration.
