GLOGIRLY: Springtime Snow Cats




ELLIE:  Mr, Waffles!!! Consider all this chilly white things…and also it’s currently springtime! I believe it’s taller than ME as well.

WAFFLES:  You’re rather short, Ellie. I have actually seen larger. Method larger. This isn’t also sufficient to obtain the male in brownish shorts embeded our driveway over night. 

ELLIE:  There’s a male in brownish shorts??? Isn’t he chilly? 

WAFFLES:  This is Colorado, Ellie. The Rocky Hills. The males in brownish shorts do not allow a couple of snows constrain their design.

It might be springtime all over else, yet below in the Rocky Mountains it resembles winter season once more! Glogirly and also Gloman could not be better. Glogirly has a huge week of winter sports intended which indicates Gloman and also the cats will certainly have great deals of cuddle time. And also, every snowfall aids with wildfire avoidance, to ensure that’s certainly something to be happy for.

We had concerning 6″ drop on Saturday. Sunday was cozy and also bright so it’s currently melting. Our roadway was so cozy prior to the snow dropped that we really did not also need to rake. 

There’s as long as 9″ extra heading. 

And also you-know-who prepares.

These you-know-whos prepare as well.
