Finding out to steed flight – skilled guidance



  • It’s tough being a beginner when discovering to steed flight — especially if you’ve got horsey friends who just seem effortlessly good at it. But nothing in equestrian life is effortless — and if you asked your friends, they’d give you the following advice…

    1. Hours in the saddle are what really counts. If you can afford expensive riding lessons with a great trainer, then wonderful — but the truth is that if you want to be able to ride, and ride well, you need to ride a lot.

    2. Everything is easier when you are confident. Easier said than done, perhaps, but don’t rush learning to ride, don’t over-face yourself (or your horse) and your confidence will soon start to soar.

    3. Be clear about what you’re asking your horse to do. That doesn’t mean getting angry or aggressive — it’s never a good idea to get into an argument with an animal that’s at least five times heavier than you are — but they need to know exactly what you want from them. Don’t let him off the hook just because he might prefer not to do it. You may think you’re being ‘nice’ but your horse just feels uncertain about what he’s supposed to do, and that’s not fair on him.

    4. You don’t need loads of expensive kit when learning to horse ride. So long as you have the basics in place, such as an up-to-standard safety hat, a pair of suitable riding boots and some riding gloves to protect your hands, you’re good to go.

    5. All riding instructors teach slightly differently. Equally, some riders thrive on being bossed around, whereas others prefer gentle encouragement. If you’re unhappy with the way you’re being taught, or aren’t enjoying your lessons, then try a different instructor. It’s no reflection on either of you if it doesn’t work out. But don’t keep chopping and changing. It’s important to give each new training relationship time to bed in.

    6. Learning to horse ride is a bit like learning to drive. You think you know what you’re doing until you have to do it on your own for the first time. That first hack is like your first drive without an instructor, and just as intimidating…

    7. You will never stop learning to horse ride. Initially, everything feels incredibly weird — unsurprisingly, as you’re telling your body to do something that perhaps doesn’t come naturally. Learning to sit to the canter, to ride with a contact, to keep your hands and legs still and in the right position ALL AT THE SAME TIME seems like an impossible dream when you start riding. And when you achieve it, you don’t reach that place where you’re just cantering effortlessly up a beach with the wind in your hair, executing half-passes for the fun of it. No, that’s the stuff of fairy tales. In real life, there is always something to work on.

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