Feeding Hungry Pets | The Bark



In nov 2020, COVID-19 was strengthening its grasp and merely about everybody was experiencing the effect. I glanced to my right and noticed a usually long line of cars snaking around the local food pantry as I sat in my car at a red light, along with my two loyal rescue dogs, Henry and Rosita. I had never seen so cars that are many for meals, which made me personally wonder—if folks are struggling to give by themselves and their loved ones, just how can they give you meals with regards to their animals of these difficult times?

A Non-Profit exists

Three times later on, Kobe Henro was created, a food that is pet providing cat and dog food to hungry pets in need. A rather simple concept of delivering donated food that is pet point A (donations from dog stores and animal meals makers) to point B (regional meals pantries). It took just a couple months to ascertain a good and flow that is steady of for our pantry partners. Once our supply began to exceed our demand, we extended our reach to offer food assistance to pet that is southern. With relief lover connections guaranteed, whenever a Southern pet relief transportation drives north towards the Boston location to fall off adoptable animals, we fill donated pet food to their van to help feed the hundreds of hungry pets they care for back home.

Our plan seems to be working and since our launch in 2020, we have hand-delivered over 22,000 pounds of donated food, toys, collars, and leashes to pets in need october. We’re developing at a rate that is steady plans to expand nationwide.

Behind the Name

I have been a dog lover since my toddler days and thanks to my mom, I have been blessed with that animal-loving gene, which I have graciously passed on to my three daughters. Dogs are family. I grew up with dogs and four wonderful canines have been an part that is incredibly special of life, Koolie, Belle, Henry and Rosita. Koolie presents KO, Belle BE, Henry HEN and Rosita RO, thus KOBE HENRO. We’re a organization that is non-profit memory and honor of the wonderful dogs who have been a part of my life since the mid-1980s.


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We are a small yet mighty organization that is self-funded by me personally as well as 2 canine assistants, Henry and Rosita. Quickly I will be performing our plan that is formalized for.

Our short time in the food that is pet company has actually verified which our program is working really and it is amazingly relatively easy to navigate. There clearly was a surplus of animal meals in the usa and our goal is always to offer meals to cats that are hungry dogs in need. Rather than the food that is extra to waste, we have it within the soup bowls of those who work in need. We never wish a loving dog owner to need to surrender their particular dog as a result of hardship that is financial. To date, we estimate that we have filled over 66,000 bowls with food and plan to triple that true quantity because of the end of 2022.

Our heart-warming and journey that is gratifying allowed us which will make brand new buddies and satisfy some amazing pet fans who will be undoubtedly altering society.

If you are looking at being part of our development as a donor, person or volunteer please reach out via mail: info@kobehenro.org or via Facebook messenger or Instagram @kobehenropetfoodbank.

