CP ingredients pledges to enhance meat that is antibiotic-free



CP Foods is designed to enhance pet wellness

calendar icon 25 August 2023

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2 min read

Charoen Pokphand ingredients (CP ingredients) stated it’s going toward a lasting meals system by emphasising pet benefit concept and accountable utilization of antibiotics throughout meals worth stores, also by making use of of cutting-edge technology and development, relating to a current hit release. The business is designed to enhance pet wellness so that you can lower the antibiotics opposition in foods, paving just how for a far more food that is sustainable.

Damnoen Chaturavittawong, senior vice president of the swine veterinary service department of CPF, stated that the company has prioritised the acceleration of food safety standards and value chain that is environmentally friendly. At pet husbandry, CP ingredients has actually raised its creatures, including hogs, chicken, and levels, in a climate-controlled, shut center that is certified because of the division of Livestock developing ‘s GAP standards. 

The business utilizes antimicrobials and antibiotics with attention and consideration for several elements, including meals security, antimicrobial opposition, antimicrobial residues, pet benefit, durability, and customer tastes, according to who is One wellness concept acknowledging the great wellness of men and women, creatures, while the environment and lined up along with its antimicrobial usage stewardship in Food creatures.

“Animal Welfare management may be the important technique for quality-control and meals security so that you can enhance pet health insurance and therefore lower antibiotic drug usage for therapy,” stated Chaturavittawong. 

In addition, CP ingredients features partnered with Thailand’s leading college to recognize the potential risks and see the answers to avoid resistance that is antibiotic food products and the environment, Chaturavittawong said.

CP Foods said it is prioritising the use of automation systems and modern technologies to increase the efficiency of animal farming operations, as well as conducting research and developing new or more effective methods to ensure safety and food that is chemical-free. 

The business guarantees the security of their items by performing in-house and inspections that are third-party the production process and trace back to their origins. CP Foods has employed blockchain technology to improve the integrity of a quantity that is massive of. The method that is innovative efficient pet benefit tracking and encourages the transparency of antibiotic drug opposition gene evaluation on facilities.
