COVID puppy? | Blog by K9 Pro and Steve Courtney Dog Training



The term Covid Dog is becoming a term that is common to excuse a dogs behaviour around the world, but should it be?

If your dog was born in the last two years, there is a very chance that is good or she would not get lots of visibility if they had been youthful.

They might be considered a {“Covid Dog”.

|Dog” that is“Covid.}I mean it was illegal to get within 1.5m of a person and in some states and times people were not allowed out of their homes for an extended period of time.

So, {whilst you may get away with calling that an excuse, you shouldn’t.

Your|you shouldn’t.Your whilst you may get away with calling that an excuse} puppy not receiving exposure that is enough social activity with people and other dogs can cause some problems with your dog’s behaviour, but rather than call

it an excuse, call it a reason.

An excuse is sort of a way of explaining to why your dog is this way and lends itself to people just accepting it.

We see the same when people excuse their dog’s behaviour she is a “rescue” because he or. These can be genuine factors for the dog’s behaviour that is anti-social*)but they are not an excuse.

Covid has more or less passed us now and you absolutely can and should begin to work on your dog’s behaviour now to help your dog feel more comfortable around people and dogs he or she is unfamiliar with.

What we are seeing a LOT of.

First Let me try and and explain what we are seeing a complete lot of at K9Pro, the reason why and everything we are performing to assist.

Remember, we (the dog-owning individuals of Australian Continent) have not seen this scenario prior to, and it’s also a global situation that is wide. It was common that some people did not socialise their dogs, some not enough, but this is a level that is new

Even older puppies that have been perhaps not totally comfortable before COVID had a downturn that is rapid the exposure they were getting, so those dogs too are now on edge.

Many more dogs…

During COVID, many Australian’s were left isolated from friends, family and colleagues, and they turned to dogs.

So many people added a dog in their life to fill that gap.

Before COVID, certainly people added a dog to their lives for many reasons, including a best friend, but COVID saw MANY people get a dog to be their ONLY friend.

Symptoms your dog may be experiencing

We are seeing a lot more dogs with separation issues, separation anxiety, dependencies and other problems that arose due to the dog coming to the home, or being in a home with almost access that is exclusive their person.

This may cause your dog to be worried, frightened, frustrated and or agitated and also this could see behaviours such as for instance barking, howling, whining, destruction, escaping etc.

We tend to be witnessing dogs that them space.

Finally once they leave the home, are reserved, nervous, reactive, flighty, skittish, and displaying signs of aggression to make people and or dogs give, A person who has the dog as their only friend, we are seeing many more dogs that are resource guarding food, furniture, clothing, space and at times disciplining the owner when the owner does something the dog does not allow.

So as a strange side effect to spending time in the home with a person we are able to see them overconfident, bossy and owners that are policing the home, and under confident, fearful and nervous outside the home.

This can be a barometer that is hard review for puppy owners and trainers.

just what is it possible to do?

As we possibly may be dealing with numerous types and temperaments right here, particular guidance is certainly not offered, as well as in such a critical circumstance, kindly stay away from “internet research”.

But listed here are five items to away do right.

1. Get help that is professional

Now may be the time and energy to get some body involved which have solid expertise in these behaviours and certainly will show proof of previous success.

You won’t be provided chances that are unlimited modify the way this dog perceives your attention, presence, and position in their world.

Experience counts here…

2. Crate Training

If your dog is not crate trained already, now is the time. Use the training that is crate given by the expert you will be working together with.

This will set the crate as a secure, great and place that is secure dog can use when they feel the need.

This will transition to sleeping in the crate and popping into the crate for a nap through the allowing your dog to spend some time without you, happily.

3 day. Eliminate behaviour rehearsal

When you are doing no matter what its you are doing that produces your dog’s behaviours that are undesirable somewhere in there will be reinforcement.

Therefore, the more your dog practices these behaviours, the harder they are to change.

4. Boarding

Try boarding your dog for a couple of nights, I am not talking about the absolute wreck that is nervous worst effected puppies nowadays, but those puppies which have come power to control their particular thoughts.

Sometimes a kennel stay for just two evenings, in a kennel that knows puppy behavior, often helps your pet realize that you’re finding its way back.

This one will be talked about using the professional you’re working together with to see {if they feel it is a good fit for your dog.

With some dogs, it may not be.

5|it is a good fit for your dog.

With some dogs, it may not be.

[ad_2]5 if they feel}. Don’t make emotional decisions(*)A dog that has developed a sense of entitlement over your time, possessions and behaviour and is very badly behaved outside can be a very big emotional drain.(*)We find people in these situations can make decisions that are emotional later regret.(*)Please don’t dash into medicating your pet, wanting to rehome or euthanise your pet, we offer answers to a rather percentage that is high of in crisis.(*)If you are at the end of your tether, give us a call on 02 45 789 789 or send an email we may be able to offer some more specific solutions for your dog.(* if you would prefer to and)