Brand new topic publisher: kaya Klop-Toker



Submitted by editor on 18 April 2023.

My name’s Kaya Klop-Toker, i will be a conservation biologist devoted to populace ecology and transformative handling of threatened amphibians. Im especially enthusiastic about comprehending the usually multi-faceted systems behind amphibian drop, and exactly how we are able to make use of this information to build up effective preservation effects. In 2017, We finished my PhD during the University of Newcastle, Australian Continent, on a project examining the effect of illness and unpleasant seafood on a wild and captive-bred-and-released populace of green and fantastic bell frogs (Litoria aurea). When I started a post-doc exploring the effect of underground coal mining on Endangered Littlejohn’s tree frog (Litoria littlejohni), accompanied by another task developing a captive reproduction and habitat creation task because of this threatened species. I’ve recently gone back to using the services of Littlejohn’s tree frogs after using sometime for pregnancy leave, and are today evaluating applying conservations activities in the coal mining location. Im anticipating adding as a topic editor for Wildlife Biology and giving support to the book of herpetological analysis.   

Keywords back at my analysis:

  • Amphibians
  • Chytridiomycosis
  • Conservation
  • Population modeling
  • Reintroductions
  • Threat minimization
  • Wildlife illness



