Avian Flu (Avian Influenza) Information



Can folks get bird flu?

The chance of people getting bird flu is quite reasonable, based on the Centers for disorder Control and protection (CDC). Scientists state bird flu isn’t effortlessly sent from wild birds to people, and “sustained transmission” from man to human has actually NOT took place. Inspite of the known fact that millions of birds have gotten sick and died, there are no recorded cases of “sustained transmission”. 

In April 2022, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment found an individual working on a poultry farm tested positive for bird flu. The question remains if this person was actually infected, or the result that is positive as a result of experience of the herpes virus. Hardly any other exposures that are human known at this time.


What is the status of HPAI incidents in the U.S.?

The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) tracks confirmed cases of HPAI.

APHIS is working closely with state animal health officials on joint incident responses. State officials quarantined the premises that are affected and wild birds from the properties had been depopulated to avoid the scatter associated with the disease.

Birds through the flocks will likely not go into the meals system.


What are chicken manufacturers doing to avoid bird flu?

Bird flu is a issue that is serious chicken farmers closely monitor together with the USDA. The U.S. has the most monitoring that is robust surveillance system in the field – and detail by detail programs set up to reduce spread among flocks and eradicate the virus entirely. All U.S. flocks are tested ahead of processing* that is for( bird flu.  If a bird that is single a flock had been to try good for HPAI, then nothing of the wild birds will be permitted to go into the food supply.

Collectively, farmers, the USDA, together with chicken business continue steadily to monitor when it comes to virus closely and possess extreme surveillance and biosecurity that is comprehensive to keep flocks protected. Strict biosecurity practices on the farm are key to chickens that are preventing getting bird flu.

See biosecurity practices doing his thing and find out how farmers track the fitness of the chicken flock.


What happens if you have an outbreak of bird flu on a chicken farm?

In the big event of an outbreak, the chicken business features rigid treatments and works straight with condition and national governing bodies to spot and eradicate the issue and lower the scatter associated with the illness.

When bird flu is recognized, the next response that is 5-step is carried out:

1. Quarantine

The farmer ensures the flock that is affected any nearby equipment remains within one area.

2. Eradicate

The affected flock is rapidly and humanely euthanized after methods authorized because of the United states Veterinary healthcare Association. 

3. Test

USDA protocols and evaluation needs tend to be used so that the farm is without any bird flu before a flock that is new allowed to arrive.

4. Disinfect

The affected farm is thoroughly disinfected to ensure any traces of the virus are destroyed.

5. Monitor

Surveillance of wild birds in a broad“control” area that is surrounding.

No chicken from avian flu-affected flocks tend to be previously permitted to go into the meals chain.


What could I do in the home to be sure my chicken is safe from bird flu?

Bird flu isn’t a illness that is foodborne which means you cannot contract it from eating poultry that has been cooked properly. And in the event a chicken flock does test positive, it shall maybe not go into the system.

But as constantly, you really need to follow right managing and cooking while preparing chicken that is raw. Get safe food managing tips at Chicken Roost.

For more details on bird flu, visit the USDA’s Animal and Plant wellness Inspection Service’s webpage.
