6 Common explanations why Cats Pee outside of the kitty litter box



Are you frustrated, losing sleep, and thinking about giving your cat away because she or he is peeing not in the cat litter box?

You are not the only one! House soiling beyond your cat litter box the most widespread behaviour problems cats exhibit, yet it really is among the last problems cat owners seek professional assistance for.

Instead, cat parents may well not recognise that we now have several solutions available that will not recognize that cat behaviourists even exist.

In this short article, we’ll demystify the reason why for inappropriate elimination, explain just how to meet your cat’s individual needs, discuss approaches to prevent house soiling, which help you select when you should seek specialist support.

We will even empower you to definitely be considered a responsible, alert cat parent, lower the effect on your household, and boost your cat’s total well being!

Why Is My Cat Peeing Everywhere Suddenly?

All cats soiling not in the cat litter box should undergo a medical (thorough physical examination and diagnostic testing) and behavioural evaluation.

There could possibly be several reasons your cat is peeing everywhere. Causes include medical problems, aversion into the litter and litterbox, marking behaviours, poor house training, and social and environmental stressors. Let’s get into greater detail.

Explanation associated with the factors behind Peeing not in the kitty litter box

Cats are neat and fastidious creatures, particularly about their toileting habits and unlikely to soil beyond your cat litter box for no reason at all.

A some of the explanations for the cat peeing not in the cat litter box include:

1. Medical Reasons

Perhaps the most typical medical reason behind cats peeing beyond your cat litter box is feline lower urinary system disease or FLUTD.

FLUTD is just a term familiar with define a small grouping of illnesses that affects the low urinary system in cats: feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) is one of common basis for house soiling causes in cats, producing increased rate of urination, difficulty, and pain when urinating.

This inflammatory condition can differ in severity and it is intensified by stress along with other issues while urethral obstruction (from crystals or stones) could be life-threatening and needs immediate medical help (male cats tend to be more vulnerable to blockages than female cats).

Here are a few other medical ailments that will result in peeing not in the cat litter box:

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Arthritis pain
  • Cognitive dysfunction such as for instance dementia
  • Dental disease
  • Post-declaw pain
  • Blindness from retinal detachment, diabetes, or old age
  • Chronic kidney failure

2. Environmental Stressors

Cats are individuals and need use of environmental resources without getting faced with other cats. Key resources such as for instance food, water, scratching posts, resting areas, play, and toileting sites should always be for sale in multiple separate locations to prevent stress and competition in multi-cat households.

Even in single-cat homes, having a proper amount of litter boxes, food, and water in separate locations is of good benefit. Outdoor cats need to have adequate indoor trays to get rid of frustration and stress from unpredictability.

Cats are territorial and their feeling of smell is just a primary means through which cats evaluate their surroundings. Introductions of odours, materials (in other words. chemicals, medications, detergents) or new places (home relocation) will disrupt the cat’s sensory perception of their environment causing anxiety associated problems behaviour.

3. Social Conflicts

Why is my cat peeing outside of the litter box social conflict

Conflict between cats may increase stress and tension all over cat litter box, resulting in inappropriate urination.

Cats may urinate not in the cat litter box because of social conflicts and fights. These conflicts may be a consequence of various dilemmas. Multi-story properties with narrow stairways can certainly create territorial struggles when cats housed together. An assertive cat may prevent a nervous cat from dealing with the litter tray.

4. Cat-Person Distress

The importance of owners as potential stressors is oftentimes overlooked since most cat-human relationships are positive. Unpredictable and intrusive owners who over fuss may create stress when it comes to cat while not enough stroking may create fear.

Any changes inside the household dynamics, like the owner’s absence or perhaps a visiting member of the family may cause anxiety and distress. Giving your cat a feeling of control and security is key.

5. Cat litter box Aversion and Inappropriate Site Preferences

An aversion into the cat litter box is common and may result in house soiling. Aversion would be to the container, the litter, precise location of the box, or all combined. A cat by having an aversion with their cat litter box will most likely eliminate for a selection of surfaces (bed, carpet, clothing, floors, bathtub, etc). Your cat may choose to eliminate an additional spot or for a specific surface like clothing or carpets. Cats that choose alternate locations usually have an aversion into the cat litter box location.

6. Finally, Your Cat could be Exhibiting Territorial Spraying Behavior

Cats freely eliminate wastes in three ways: squat urination (peeing), defecation, and urine spraying.

Urine eliminated by squatting will make a circular puddle in the substrate. The typical cat pees large volumes of urine two times each day and defecates (solid waste) 1 each day (or more to 3-4 times in outdoor cats).

When spraying, your cat typically stands upright on all 4 limbs and holds its tail vertically, your cat will likely not dig before it sprays or covers the affected region afterward. When spraying, your cat generally vacates small volumes of urine onto vertical surfaces.

To assist your veterinarian, differentiate between spraying and squat urination, record a video clip of the cat “doing their business” and keep a diary/journal associated with the presented behavior.

How To avoid or Minimize Your Cat Peeing Outside Of The Cat Litter Box?

1. Make fully sure your Cat Is Neutered!

Help your kitten become successful with cat litter box training from day one.

2. Utilize the Right Amount Of Litter Trays.

The ideal amount of trays in a indoor environment is 1 tray per cat, plus 1 put into different locations. Trays could be covered with hoods or open shallow containing a commercial litter with that your cat is familiar (recommended litter materials; recycled paper, corn-based, clumping variety, some cats could be averse to polythene liners and litter deodorants).

3. Make sure that your Cat’s Litter Boxes will be the Right Size.

Trays should always be at the least 1.5x the size of your cat’s body (most litter boxes are way too small; storage boxes and small dog litter pans make excellent boxes). Litter depth preference on most cats is mostly about 1.5 inches.

Litter locations should always be discreet and far from busy thoroughfares, the tray should always be cleaned daily additionally the litter should reflect the cat’s natural aspire to make use of sand-like substance (Try not to improve your cat’s litter type). Soiled litter must certanly be removed daily while litter trays should always be washed and disinfected once weekly or fortnightly. Usually do not move the litter trays as it might confuse your cat in addition they may you will need to eliminate in the earlier spot.

4. Boredom Stresses Cats. Daily Play-Based Interaction Along With Their Owner Is Essential.

Person massaging cat's head

Relieving boredom and stress can help minimize inappropriate urination.

Consistent, positive, and predictable human cat-social interaction allows the cat to both initiate and prevent interactive behavior.

How To handle and Treat Cat Litter Box Problems?

Resolving house soiling difficulties may necessitate making easy changes to many top features of your cat’s home environment and care.

This could also include medical remedies, diet alterations, and behaviour modifications composed of:

  • Medication if/as prescribed by the veterinarian (in other words. anti-anxiety meds).
  • Joint supplementation; very theraputic for cats with chronic joint problems like arthritis.
  • Use of positive reinforcement (in other words. treats) if your cat uses the litterbox.
  • Keep fighting cats separated unless supervised and utilise reintroduction procedures in cases of inter-cat conflict.
  • Adequate vertical space; tree towers for resting and hiding.
  • Use of Feliway (synthetic pheromones); spray on affected areas and plug-in a Feliway diffuser to your cat’s most frequented room.
  • Play-based interaction aided by the owner and employ of food-dispensing toys like puzzles to cut back boredom, stress, and obesity (all associated with FIC).
  • Minimisation of external stimuli exposure by blocking outside view (static film, blinds, translucent window coverings).
  • Daily mental and physical stimulation (environmental enrichment); leash walking, training, and have fun with novelty toys.
  • Litter attractant add-on (natural mixture of herbs and plant extracts).
  • Predictable day to day routine and feeding times.
  • Behaviour modification along with litter-tray management.

Also Read: The 10 Best Cat Slow Feeders & Puzzle Feeders

Most inappropriate elimination cases can usually be treated successfully when they have already been accurately identified and dealt with. Early intervention is key and represents the most effective opportunity to redirect your feline companion back to the cat litter box!

Tried everything as well as your cat continues to be experiencing elimination problems? Try not to call it quits! Please seek a referral up to a Cat Behaviourist or check out IAABC to locate an Animal Behaviour Consultant in your town.

Frequently Asked Questions

As unpleasant as it might be, your cat is certainly not “out to give you”! Cat’s sensory system is significantly diffent to ours in addition they perceive the planet and environment within a different manner. Your cat is certainly not to locate revenge; they truly are providing you with a hint that something is certainly not right, in addition they need your help!

Exactly what do I Prefer to wash My Cat’s Pee?

Most likely unless you arrive at the base of the main cause, your cat will re-soil the marked area due to their scent, therefore it’s crucial you neat and take away the odour immediately if you use enzyme or bacteria odour eliminators. Stay away from products containing ammonia or vinegar simply because they smell like urine. 

You should not punish your cat regardless of what the main cause is! This may only create your cat fearful. Punishment also damages the human-animal bond and may often increase anxiety and exacerbate the issue. Don’t use any deterrents (in other words. water pistol, citrus peel, pepper) either as it will redirect the behaviour to some other spot. 

How come my cat pees throughout the side of the cat litter box?

One of the very irritating situations occurs when your cat pees within inches associated with the sides, back or front associated with the cat litter box. The most typical scenarios for ‘missing the tray’ are: 

Your cat struggles to assume the most suitable position within the litter tray. The posture needed is just one aided by the rear end tucked under far enough therefore the lot lands within the box. Several commercially available litter boxes are way too small.



the DIY tip on how best to produce a cat litter box getting a storage bin

The balancing act! Your cat stands in the side of the tray as opposed to within the litter as the urine squirts throughout the side. Even though this might seem funny or weird, it’s a sign your cat will not like standing in this box or perhaps is incapable of, possibly since it is too small. In the event that tray is large and they’re looking at the edge, this translates to your cat will not such as the litter itself. 

Exactly why is my cat peeing just beyond your cat litter box?
Do cats pee away from spite?
Can I punish my cat?

Causes include medical problems, aversion into the litter and litterbox, marking behaviours, poor house training, and social and environmental stressors.

View Sources

Caney, S. (2016, November 15). Feline idiopathic cystitis management: role associated with the nurse and technician. (I. C. Care, Compiler) UK: Feline Focus. Retrieved April 26, 2020

Hazel Carney, T. S. (2014). AAFP and ISFM Guidelines for Diagnosing and Solving House-Soiling Behavior in Cats. (A. A. Practitioners, Ed.) Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 16, 579-598. Retrieved April 26, 2020

Horwitz, D. (2017). Panic and anxiety in cats: influence on cat litter box use. St Louis, MO, USA. Retrieved April 28, 2020

Karen Overall, I. R.-D.-M. (2004, December 01). Feline Behaviour Guidelines. (A. A. Practitioners, Compiler) USA. Retrieved April 25, 2020

Sparkes, I. a. (2016, November 01). Feline Stress and Health Managing Negative Emotions to enhance Feline overall health. UK: International Society of Feline Medicine. Retrieved April 25, 2020

Xavier Manteca, M. A. (2015, February). House soiling in cats. (F. Focus, Compiler) UK. Retrieved April 28, 2020
